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In case anyone wonders why we can't have debates on these ONLINE FORUMS about anything, it's because of people like Wingless calling 22 year old men "6 year olds". Wingless, you're a fucking idiot, no matter how much you think you're not. Try living a life instead of spending your time online trying to convince people how fucking smart you are. When's the last time you had pussy anyway?


I thought AVATAR was awesome, it was corny, had an overplayed story, but visually it was something nobody's ever seen before. I just hope they leave it at this one, because a sequel, or trilogy would ruin the whole experience.


PS- TERRY, Boondock Saints was a shit movie, it was trying so hard to be Pulp Fiction it was embarassing.


I was talking about the age you were rationalizing at, not your actual age. Remember, I didn't start the pissing battle.


Just for the record, I've been in a relationship for 4 years, have a successful career, and DON'T have a criminal record. Thanks for playing, though.


I also like how you pretty much agreed with my stance on Avatar except you said that it was awesome and then qualified your statement by saying the plot was corny, whereas I explained WHY the plot was lacking.

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