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I hope all of the HG fam is doing well after all these years.

Wizard Sorcerer

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It's been a long time. Though many probably won't remember me, I went by the game name Kyro. I played the hell out of Jailbreak and Crack House in Source. I just ran into Hydranix in Source and couldn't help but remember the old HG days on the servers, especially guys like Juan Alberto saying "ahhhh perfecto" with a great kill. The 24/7 JB and Crack House servers were some of my favorites and have a ton of fond memories playing on them way back around 2011-2017-ish. I always bounced around between HG and Plague Fest in Source for a long time, and although PF is now offline I'm happy to still see that HG is up and has expanded to other games. 

Honestly crazy to think how much time has passed in the blink of an eye, I hope that you all are doing great and honestly thanks to the community and the server admins for making some great memories for me to reminisce on.  


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It has been many years since I played on HG honestly. Though many have other things to do other than gaming nowadays. Especially those who were around in HG's early days. CS Source is riddled with cloned servers now, many of them laggy as a motherbitch. A lot of decent communities no longer exist, except for the 'really successful' ones.

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