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Nationality's and interesting family histories

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Mom's side is Italian, came to USA after a quick stop to Ellis island to fuck with their last name. Changed from Laricchia to Rich...


Dad's side is English/German, kicked out of England for dumping manure on the king's highway. Came to Boston and opened a tavern. The tavern that they changed into their costumes before dumping tea in the harbor. Listed as a participant in the Boston Tea Party he is buried in Bostons historical cemetery by the Boston common next to Sam Adams in a tomb with his son who he named after Samuel Adams.

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Mom's side is German/Russian. Great-great-great (-great?) grandmother was one of the many women Tsar Alexander II of Russia banged. Bastard child was my great-great-great grandmother...comes down through my mom's mom's side. My mom's dad's side = Germans.


Dad's side is Swedish/Finnish. My great-great-grandparents were on opposite sides in the Finnish Civil War (Communist vs. Democrat; Red vs White). My grandmother's grandmother was in prison for treason (commi) and scheduled to be hanged the week in which the war ended. She survived to crank out a few children (my great-grandparents/uncles/aunts).


Since Finland wasn't in WWII, per say, they just let the Nazis run through on their way to Russia. The idea was to perhaps weaken the ever looming threat of Russia. My grandpa (~10 yrs old) was on a train with his family when it was bombed due to Russian suspicions that it was a Nazi military train (it was a Finnish civilian train). The front end of the train got hit, they and others jumped out of the wreckage and hid in ditches by the train station.


And I'm Finnish Swedish!


/end of family tree

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Both my parents born in Santiago, Chile


My mom sides not much except my grandpa had automible shop and my mom's uncle was the head if biggest mob gang in chile


My dad's side was many kid.Dad has 7 bro/sis


My dad came when he was 18to U.S.

Mom came when 19


Parents knew each other back in Chile but actually started dating in US


Then I was born

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Your gay? O.o


There's a couple members that are.


As far as my history my mom was adopted and never sought out her real parents, she knew nothing of them.


My dad was born in Michigan and his mother and her siblings grew up in Norway before moving to the USA, my last name is very popular in Candada.

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My father's mother's father (my great grandfather) was an Irish farmer who can over on the boat as a child during the potato famine. McCormick, typical Irish name I suppose. I don't know much about my father's mother's mother, as she died in childbirth giving birth to her last child, my grandmother.


My father's father's father also came over on an immigration boat. My original family name was VonStrander, but those fuckups at Ellis Island apparently had dyslexia, or were high on opiates. I assume, anyways.


My mother's father's family were some crazy Dutchies who hopped on a boat to the US with an AMAZING recipe for Sweedish meatballs. Name is Hendrickson.


My mother's mother's family were a bunch of Frenchies from Canada (the family name was Lavallee, I think), and they were a mix of French and Blackfoot Indian (I'm actually something like 1/16th [1/32nd maybe?] Native American).

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My mother's half asian and spanish... and my father's more french than asian but grew up in asia so he's brought up that way...so I guess I'm EURO-ASIAN...but I feel more PURE asian just coz I look like it...its all good thoe...IM BI-LINGUAL...TAGALOG and ENGLISH!!!! and a few philippine's dialect...

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