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I need some help!!

I Love Lamp

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I'm currently looking for a very VERY hard to find CD for my girlfriend. I probably won't be able to find it by Christmas, but if possible, I'd like to find it by April (her birthday). Actually, it can be one of 2 CDs, or both. What I'm looking for is one of two CDs made by a band called The Last Wish. It was the band of Blue October singer Justin Furstenfield before Blue October came to be. My girlfriend absolutely loves their music, so if anyone knows where I can find a copy of The First of February or Rooftop Sessions, I would be incredibly, INCREDIBLY in your debt.



<3 Lamp


If anyone lives near Bellaire, Texas, that's where he and his band are from and where they played. If anyone ever passes through that town or somewhere close with a music shop, maybe take a peek inside for me :P

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