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Happy Holidays!


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Hey guys, just wanted to say Happy Holidays and hope you get what you want for Christmas!



I also have an announcement...


As me being a band geek, i am in the Green Hope High School Marching Band and this year we are representing North Carolina in the Jacksonville, Florida Gator Bowl along with 8 other bands. The day before the Gator Bowl we will have a competition to see who will play their show at Pre-Game. (hopefully it will be us) And if we dont win, then we still get to play in the gator bowl for the half-time show with all 8 bands. Hopefully the TV station will air the half time show so people will actually get to see us perform on TV.


Wish us luck and ill see you guys in January! :D

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You're in the Green Hope High School Marching Band? Green Hope is like 15-20 mins from my house. I'll make sure to start coming out in a trenchcoat and just stare you down. I'm not sure which Cary HS band it is that I've heard practice when I've been in/near Crossroads and Walnut St. IIRC, you guys are 4A but have a pretty small band for a big school? Maybe I'm wrong. I think my high school might have competed against ya'll either my first year in marching band or the year before me (Freedom High School). What do you play?


Regardless, good luck!

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