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Guest The_Monkey
2 dollar bills are worth more then 2 dollars its pretty lulz


That actually didn't make any sense...


2 dollar bills are worth 2 dollars. They are quite common, and still very much in circulation. If you want 2 dollar bills, go to the bank and ask for them. If they don't have any, they will be glad to order some from the mint.


From Wikipedia:

"The most significant evidence of the $2 bill's reawakening would be that, in 2005 alone, 61 million $2 bills were printed by the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing. This is more than twice the number of $2 bills that were printed annually between 1990 and 2001."


More information on the 2 dollar bill.


Information on bills that are worth more than their denomination (otherwise known as the large denomination bills).


Why do I care about any of this? My father was an avid coin and paper collector. I do this in his honor.

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Guest The_Monkey
if you go to the bank and ask for two dollar bills they will just kill you itve tried


No no no, they only kill you for just going to the bank, not for asking for twos...you smell like a terrorist.

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Did you get enough shit Deagle?!


I got:

My truck (Got it like a month or two ago but I still count it.)


Skidplate and Bull Bars for my truck.

Dirtbike ramp for my truck.

2x PIAA lights for my truck.

Rhino lining certificate for my truck.



I call redneck! Doobie and I understand, being from New Hampshire. We all have some redneck in us up here.


Seems like most people had a good Christmas.

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GF gave a Macbook pro 15 inch.

Mom and Dad gave me $100 dollar gift card to Amazon and some clothes.

Aunt and Uncle gave me $150 bucks in cash.

Cousins gave me a Ripstick. I know wtf, but they are 12. I'm gonna return it for credit bc its from Target and I could buy some useful stuff there.

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You got one too?!


Tell you what, I'll let you play with my Wii if I can play with yours. Deal?


I've had a Wii since 2007. I was trying to get it since the day it came out and then one day I waited at gamestop for 20 min before it opened and I went in first and I bought a Wii. But now i'm kinda bored of it. No good games besides the nintendo ones.

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