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To everybody about my previous posts.


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For does who found my posts weird, offensive or whatevers. I Intend to act foolish cuz really its just the way I am. Meaning for does ediots who think I'm crazy or something. I'm just a dude with a good sense of humor. Whats the problem with that? And besides. In my previous forum It said "WARNING THE FOLLOWING FORUM MAY CONTAIN CONTENT NOT SUITABLE FOR PEOPLE WHO CANT TAKE A JOKE. IF YOU ARE ONE OF DOES PPL LEAVE NOW" What part couldnt you understand? Appearances and preconception aren't going to tell you anything. So don't judge me. It's up to you whether you believe that or not. So just loosen up... And no i'm not under the influence lol (well not anymore) Be cool, chill, and hit me up.



Mostly relax :we:

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first of all, what are are creating are called Threads not forums, when i first clicked on ur thread, i tought it was going to be a link to a forum website. secondly, "WARNING THE FOLLOWING FORUM MAY CONTAIN CONTENT NOT SUITABLE FOR PEOPLE WHO CANT TAKE A JOKE. IF YOU ARE ONE OF DOES PPL LEAVE NOW"

apparently, all of the people who made a post there obviousley can't take a joke and yet they still post. :/


I bet you are a really funny and great guy to be around, and im not trying to be homo or anything, but if you want everyone to know you, or to gain fame or whatever, dont do it by making threads like these, cuz alot of people dont find them funny, and it can get you into alot of trouble. go on vent, make friends, play some games, do some scrims, do what this clan was made for, not making pointless threads... :s

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Na na na.. Well you see I dont care the fame or whatever I said. Again Its just a joke. I said all of this of bordem. I didnt think ppl would take this a liitle to far or what not. Threads yeah whatevers. I'm new to these things lol. But yeah I just wont be posting things like that again. I dont ppl getting their pantys in a bunch ^_^ lol

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Ok.... Regaurdless of what ever "disclaimer" you put up. This is NOT a place for that bullshit. Now if 1 or two people want to QQ over it or something mabey eys they need to relax but as you can clearly see that quite a few people have a problem with your posting. Perehaps instead of everyone else just relaxing....how about you just pull your head out of your ass and act like you want to be involved in a clan

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