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Need help on CSS


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Lower your settings.


Use the configs like Casey's Config, which maximizes FPS.




Make sure that it's not an internet issue that's making it lag.


Type these in console:


rate 30000

cl_updaterate 100

cl_cmdrate 100




http://www.techspot.com/vb/topic92595.html <--- Casey's config.


By the way, what's in your computer?

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  PwNeD said:
Ask lack he uses casey sonfig

Lack has almost everything that u can disable disabled


Including attraction to women.


Seriously though, things run pretty damned snappy with Casey's running unless your internet connection is a row of dicks strung together to coax in your house.

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  lackadaisical said:
Fuck you Wingless.


On a serious note. This is what I use but it disables bodies, blood, bullet holes, and other things.






Obviously removing shadows and decals can place you at a disadvantage, and when you kill someone, their body just fades out, which is awkward. It's worth playing around with the config a little bit to get a good mix between speed and not getting shot in the face all of the time.

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  Exia said:
I already downloaded Casey's Config or so, but it downloaded with WinRAR


Seems like it didn't to anything except make the game more laggy. I have a low ping around 30-50 but still, whenever I play in-game, it laggs like crazy.


You're probably losing packets. Run a net_graph and you can see your choke/loss. That can be indicative of a spotty internet connection or misconfigured rates in your client.

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