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Jailbreak Bombs


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I used to play a lot on another Jailbreak server. It had a bomb system where 2 T's per round could buy bombs which they could then detonate after a waiting period during the round. There were even some fun intricacies to the bomb system (e.g. sometimes bombs wouldn't detonate when activated, sometimes bombs would go off when the T was killed, etc.) I thought it added a lot to the game, as CT's were discouraged from massing next to all the T's, T's would enter open rebellion a lot more often in games, and CT's had to be a lot more careful overall. By allowing the T's to gain the upper hand in just a split-second, the bomb system made Jailbreak rebellions much more balanced (on HG Jailbreak, open T rebellions tend to get massacred the large majority of the time).


So do you think this would be a worthy addition to HG's Jailbreak server?

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I used to play a lot on another Jailbreak server. It had a bomb system where 2 T's per round could buy bombs which they could then detonate after a waiting period during the round. There were even some fun intricacies to the bomb system (e.g. sometimes bombs wouldn't detonate when activated, sometimes bombs would go off when the T was killed, etc.) I thought it added a lot to the game, as CT's were discouraged from massing next to all the T's, T's would enter open rebellion a lot more often in games, and CT's had to be a lot more careful overall. By allowing the T's to gain the upper hand in just a split-second, the bomb system made Jailbreak rebellions much more balanced (on HG Jailbreak, open T rebellions tend to get massacred the large majority of the time).


So do you think this would be a worthy addition to HG's Jailbreak server?


I'm thinking that giving bombs to a server full of 6 year olds would be a bad idea.. :notrust:

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No for Jihad mod, you actually use your money to buy a bomb (not the bomb that you plant), then you bind a key to "boom," and when you press that key, it blows you up and the people around you. And you can't see the actual bomb :).

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I agree with weeman when he said its up to you :D but I think it would be a bad idea because when you have 52 players in the jailbreak it is hard enough :P If the new map is going to have more places to rebel more secrects hidden guns ect ect dont you thin the bonb thing would be to much?

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Yea, Jihad mod would be pretty sick, and maybe 1 CT can have a bomb detector, if he gets within a certain distance of the bomb, it beeps? Then we can make it so you can make your own weapons in jailbreak like in gmod, so if you get a certain things, say metal pipe from toilet and a piece of radiator or something and make a knife out it

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Yea, Jihad mod would be pretty sick, and maybe 1 CT can have a bomb detector, if he gets within a certain distance of the bomb, it beeps? Then we can make it so you can make your own weapons in jailbreak like in gmod, so if you get a certain things, say metal pipe from toilet and a piece of radiator or something and make a knife out it


Maybe one T can have the bomb, and another T is the decoy but doesn't know it. So the shit beeps and CT's investigate...if it's the decoy, it's the other T's chance to run at the bomb squad and blow their shit up.




CT: "Yeah right asshole, stay right the fuck there"


(Runs into crowd of CT's watching the decoy)






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lol the bomb would be cool, but you see it will get annoying people like a 10yr old will start killing us every round...so you should make it only by getting a goal of some sort...idk. Just putting a thought out there,..........

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