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Jail question


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jailbreak. Is It a freekill when you shoot the good guy when your not the designated shooter. Like lastreaction. thez are in line and the lead ct say last reaction jumpo and lets say "lol" was the last. and "blah" is not the designated shooter and he kill "lol". Is it a freekill>?

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designated shooters are a required aspect of the game, the reason why nobody says it anymore is because people assume the one giving the commands is the desiganted shooter (which by default it is). so if someone other then the designated shooter kills someone give everyone a warning. then if they do it again, even someone different, slay them.

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i posted in the official question post...so basically if i wasnt designated shooter..BUT I DO KILL THE RIGHT guy...what is the situation there?


Am i at fault?


examples: they might miss, the T might run...



basically im saying if you kill the right guy IT IS OKAY.

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Its not freekilling if they kill the right person. However the whole point of designated shooters is that only one person dies. However since they shot anyway they should be slayed since they were not the designated shooter.





give a WARNING first when people start killing. then next time the non designated shooter kills. slay them. of course if a Terrorist pulls a allah ackbar and runs at you its weapons free(as long as you dont hit anyone else)

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