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1. Your in-game name:

2. Server that you were banned on:

3. The Banning admin:

4. Your Steam-Id:

5. Reason for ban:


Sorry, I posted that there so I could remember...


1. Roxxor


2. Jailbreak


3. I don't know.


4. STEAM_0:0:5183912 (I think this is it)


5. I don't know... I was just crouching as a Terrorist and suddenly I was banned and it told me to come here and appeal... there was no warning, and I had just joined the server. I was actually playing my first round alive and I was crouched and frozen as the order commanded and then I was suddenly banned... so if there is an explaination, I would like one.

Edited by Slazenger
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First, the TListing was sudden, without warning, and random. I didn't massive freekill and I always killed myself when I did freekill by accident. I appealed and it was removed, so don't bring it up as evidence against me.


Second, I apologize, I had just joined and therefore did not hear the warnings. Before I am banned, I would like to have an admin at least tell me why so I do not feel so cheated.


~Thank you, Roxxor

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First, the TListing was sudden, without warning, and random. I didn't massive freekill and I always killed myself when I did freekill by accident. I appealed and it was removed, so don't bring it up as evidence against me.


Second, I apologize, I had just joined and therefore did not hear the warnings. Before I am banned, I would like to have an admin at least tell me why so I do not feel so cheated.


~Thank you, Roxxor


i had a screenshot of you killing 5 of us in a group between vending machines and then leaving, if i knew you were going to pull the "i didn't do anything card" i wouldve saved it as backup when i reformated

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First, the TListing was sudden, without warning, and random. I didn't massive freekill and I always killed myself when I did freekill by accident. I appealed and it was removed, so don't bring it up as evidence against me.


Second, I apologize, I had just joined and therefore did not hear the warnings. Before I am banned, I would like to have an admin at least tell me why so I do not feel so cheated.


~Thank you, Roxxor


First, I posted to give you a warning, to let you know that you are on very thin ice. (which i should not have done because you should have known already, and im no one special, but oh well) It was not without warning or random, you obviousley freekilled, as even weeman had a picture, and i just gave you my link, and the warning is in the motd which you should read before going on CT. I was not bringing it up as evidence against you, since there really is no need.


Secondly, If you join a server for the first time, the first thing you should do is read some of the rules, especially for a game that you have never played before. The reason Admins dont give warnings for Freekilling, is because we already have one in the motd. An Admin has already told you what you have done, you were banned now for mic spamming for two hours (which has already expired) and the T-list before was for freekilling.

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I thought I should type "status" into console to recieve my steam ID?


"'ñפֿ_Яoxxor'" STEAM_0:0:5183912 02:37 73 0 active


is what I recieve, which doesnt match what I thought it was... am I confused?





Now I'm really confused... the first screenshot on my TListing has -hg- NG_Roxxor :(

I don't have the tag...

Edited by Roxxor
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I thought I should type "status" into console to recieve my steam ID?


"'ñפֿ_Яoxxor'" STEAM_0:0:5183912 02:37 73 0 active


is what I recieve, which doesnt match what I thought it was... am I confused?


The portion in red above me is your actual steam id, not the numbers after it.

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The Steam ID in the first screenshot is different


and the name is -hg- NG_Roxxor.


I think it was someone else who took my name, freekilled, then ran.


I seriously do, because it said my ID was STEAM_0:0:5183912 when I typed status...


Your screenshot shows a steam ID of STEAM_0:0:2613601....


When you are TListed, what does it say whenever you attempt to switch to CT... the normal message? Because it's possible that is the wrong ID and I misinterpreted.

Edited by Roxxor
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Sorry that I'm dragging this out, but I know this will continue to bug me...


I'm convinced that the first screenshot wasn't me. That's why I'm confused and upset and you are convinced I freekill.


I don't want to be a bother but this is really getting to me, because I don't do things like that.

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Okay Weeman, thank you...


I thought I was TListed because when I joined the server, I was informed that I was TListed and couldn't switch back.. the ratios from CT to T aren't exact, so I tried to join CT and it wouldn't let me. The ratio probably kept me off, and I was already paranoid so I appealed the TList without really checking the pictures too closely...


In reality, I don't think I was ever TListed, I just assumed I was so I appealed.


Again, sorry about the mic spamming, and sorry about the issue.


I just don't want to have a bad reputation, because I never do things like that because I know the consequences. You guys have a great server, it's always populated and fun and stuff and I don't want to lose the opportunity to play on it. Thanks again for clearing my name on the TListing


(This also explains why I was so darn confused about what you were talking about :P )



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