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Owwww wisdom teeth...:(


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I've been getting severe migraines for the past week...went to my dentist and he said I have a giant cavity in one wisdom tooth and other is impacted, says I need them out ASAP.


I've been taking a number of stuff to numb my migraine, including self-massaging (not like that pervs) but nothing is working.



Did any of you find a way to kill the headache until you got them pulled?



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No, I'm serious. If you're hurting, your dentist needs to know and should get you a script for it. As far as OTC goes, I've become a big fan of Excedrin, but there are days where it doesn't cut the pain at all.


If you don't have to be at work, being in a haze is better than crying in the fetal position.

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lol what weeman said :P. When I got them out, I smoked like.. a day after, put the pain way. But if that's not your thing, take the meds that they give you, it's really not that bad. Took me about 2 days, then started eating steak and I was fine. It's soar for about a month, it depends on age. I got them out about 6 months ago when I was 16, and it healed super fast.

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An impacted tooth sucks. I had my wisdom impacted too (apparently its a common occurrence), and it hurt like hell. Luckily, after the surgery I got a months worth of aspirin with codeine :).


A good way to dull the migraine is to slather your bad teeth with Orajel. You get the migraine from the severe pain of your gum, and Orajel is essentially novacaine, which numbs the gum.

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I know you dont smoke but you must know someone that does. Im not saying make it a habit but you should take a puff of some good weed that will make you sleep before you get munchies. I dont take any sort of pills for anything. Only when i had lymphangitis from a infected cut is when i took cephalexin.

Edited by Never trust a hippie
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When i got mine pulled actually only a few months ago ( 2 of my wisdoms) It wasn't so bad I took excedrin and also immatrex witch is actually a migraine pill.


As for right now I am still on immatrex but for another reason. Immatrex takes headaches away in a matter of minutes. Trust me anyone can disagree or argue idc what they say because they do not know what I am going through and why i am taking them.


So see if you can get your hands on some of those.

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Heres the problem with smoking when you get your wisdom teeth pulled. Your gonna end up getting some munchies and your gonna be chewing on shit and thats gonna make it worse when the shit wears off or when you wake up the next morning.


Also, for dental pain especially, I hear dry sockets are a bitch.

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Suck it up. They gave me hydros when I got all four of mine taken out, I didn't even need them.


he's talkin bout before they are pulled out

From what my dad said (didnt use weed)

See if you can get some painkiller (hydrocodones)

Or even sleeping pills

Said best thing is to sleep through pain

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It was great when I got mine pulled got free Vicodin for months! Went to my local Elementary School slang them pills got money which bought me tacos and a new rake


How much do hydrocodone pills sell for, my good man? I have a bottle and maybe another refll that I won't use. I say, they are still in good condition! Pristine even!

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