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Happy Black Man


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1. Abuser name: Happy Black Man

Admin name: 415hood

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:1:11466320

3. What sever: Jailbreak

4. About what time: 6:19 AM (LA TIME)



6. Please tell us your side of the story. It helps us understand what happened during this time.

Happy told a player in big cage to stand on spray so that we could play an opinionated game. Player comes out and stands and other CT shots the T. Happy gets mad and tells the T to go infirm and says to the CT. IF you kill him I will ban you for a very long time. The T moves and the CT kills him. Now its a freekill, a slay or a kick would be acceptable....however happy felt the need to ban the player for 1234567 minutes. Whats even worse is the reason 'fucker.' Player previously also banned someone for 1234567 minutes and told me they were banned because they were in a restricted clan or sometime.


Admin abuse.

Edited by Slazenger
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Btw Im Happy Black Man---




First of all i said for unnamed to go to infirm and leave us alone. Second i got called in cause i was told that you weren't doing your job at ALL. There was freekilling from everyone in the hQ^2 clan and i banned the first to with reasonable amount of time 1 hour and 2 hours. Then another 1 comes in starts unloading on the Ts and i was SICK of it i was going to post a thread about it but it seems you have beaten me to it. And the unnamed guy clearly knew what he was doing and i gave him several warnings that if he killed him i would ban because of about 4-5 Cts Freekilling that you never decided to stop. I'll admit the time is of course majorly stupid but i'm sick of it. When 3 buddies of mine are having trouble with jailbreak and you were in there the entire time and didnt do much, I took action.


Go ahead and shorten the time for unnamed cause i will admit again, "My Bad" Anger got the best of me and next time shorter ban or kick. My point still stands on the guys from hQ^2 guys infact i would like them banned but i exited outta CS to comment on your report and lost all the console info but whatever.


I'm willing to accept whatever punishment i get (Admin remover, Temp Remover, Kick From Clan, ect.) But next time Dark, Use your admin. I know you were "switching people" but when people doing it on purpose....Yeah


-Green Ranger

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Btw Im Happy Black Man---




First of all i said for unnamed to go to infirm and leave us alone. Second i got called in cause i was told that you weren't doing your job at ALL. There was freekilling from everyone in the hQ^2 clan and i banned the first to with reasonable amount of time 1 hour and 2 hours. Then another 1 comes in starts unloading on the Ts and i was SICK of it i was going to post a thread about it but it seems you have beaten me to it. And the unnamed guy clearly knew what he was doing and i gave him several warnings that if he killed him i would ban because of about 4-5 Cts Freekilling that you never decided to stop. I'll admit the time is of course majorly stupid but i'm sick of it. When 3 buddies of mine are having trouble with jailbreak and you were in there the entire time and didnt do much, I took action.


Go ahead and shorten the time for unnamed cause i will admit again, "My Bad" Anger got the best of me and next time shorter ban or kick. My point still stands on the guys from hQ^2 guys infact i would like them banned but i exited outta CS to comment on your report and lost all the console info but whatever.


I'm willing to accept whatever punishment i get (Admin remover, Temp Remover, Kick From Clan, ect.) But next time Dark, Use your admin. I know you were "switching people" but when people doing it on purpose....Yeah


-Green Ranger


Global ban list says otherwise.




Wait, you said unnamed was banned for 1 hour/2 hours. Global says its 28 months.


Next time you want to lie about admin abusing check the global ban list. You had no right banning someone for 28 months.


You joined after me, no one called you in....vent is almost empty. I was doing my job as admin. I switched people to even teams.


You also happen to get angry with the explanation "My Bad." You also happen to leave the game and lose your console info. Does that give you permission to ban someone for 1234567 minutes.


Don't make up stuff for me, you admin abused and you know it. A simple sorry would mean much more to me that all this.

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I called Green Ranger in to the server because Darkplanner was doing nothing about the MASS freekilling, and when i later asked him if he was paying attention to the freekillers he said "no".

But as the story goes, Ranger came in and took care of business and banned the freekillers, we were playing a game were i stood on his spray and danced, Unnamed shot me and then stared at me, Ranger told him clearly that if he killed me he would be banned for a ridiculous amount of time, so he took a second to think about it and killed me.

Ranger gave a clear warning and in no way abused his almighty admin powers.

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Global ban list says otherwise.




Wait, you said unnamed was banned for 1 hour/2 hours. Global says its 28 months.


Next time you want to lie about admin abusing check the global ban list. You had no right banning someone for 28 months.


You joined after me, no one called you in....vent is almost empty. I was doing my job as admin. I switched people to even teams.


You also happen to get angry with the explanation "My Bad." You also happen to leave the game and lose your console info. Does that give you permission to ban someone for 1234567 minutes.


Don't make up stuff for me, you admin abused and you know it. A simple sorry would mean much more to me that all this.




It's so funny how wrong you're getting this. Read my post again i said people from HQ^2 were the people i banned for 1/2 Hours (Cept for third guy) And i wasnt called in on vent i was steam messaged dude And the console info was for the banning of HQ^2 people and has nothing to do with you. The only thing the console info holds is now the people from HQ^2 Wont be banned longer. You were there, If you REALLY think those guys didnt freekill by all means say that. Come on dude Read more clearly



Here is a pic of spyder even calling me in http://i45.tinypic.com/2lw7hq1.jpg Other than His awesome spelling it shows that i was called in

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I called Green Ranger in to the server because Darkplanner was doing nothing about the MASS freekilling, and when i later asked him if he was paying attention to the freekillers he said "no".

But as the story goes, Ranger came in and took care of business and banned the freekillers, we were playing a game were i stood on his spray and danced, Unnamed shot me and then stared at me, Ranger told him clearly that if he killed me he would be banned for a ridiculous amount of time, so he took a second to think about it and killed me.

Ranger gave a clear warning and in no way abused his almighty admin powers.




My response was:


No, I was busy filling out a ban report.


(My exact words)


I can't do my job if im not playing now can I? When I am playing I do team-switch,slay,ban,kick and take all necessary action for wrong doers.

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My response was:


No, I was busy filling out a ban report.


(My exact words)


I can't do my job if im not playing now can I? When I am playing I do team-switch,slay,ban,kick and take all necessary action for wrong doers.


Go Spec / Leave It's What I Do



By The By, I Checked The Ban Reports. None By You :3 http://i48.tinypic.com/dnesly.jpg

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I'm stopping this back and forth nonsense. This will be reviewed.



I'm not taking a side, but Green Ranger does quite a bit to keep the server under control. That's more than can be said about many of our admins. We lose our temper sometimes and things happen because of it. We're only human. Like I said, this will be reviewed.


Thank you.

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