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Unban Oprah Ownfree Please!


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Here is my steamid STEAM_0:0:18677107


I go by the name Oprah Ownfree or Oprah Jihad. I was banned about a month ago. I was talking over some people in the Jailbreak Screaming Free Day FREE DAY. And I apologize. I am a dude who was just trying to have a laugh. I am man enough to come on to your website and take the time to register to try and appeal a ban. I think it is safe to say I will follow the rules in this server as i use to really enjoy playing in here.



Thanks again.


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Ingame name :

<(','<) Oprah Ownfree

Banned From:

[HG] 24/7 Crackhouse Deathmatch

Banned by:

HG | Lyds








I do miss your servers. I promise to never do it again. I am willing to say i screwed up and would appreciate a second chance to play in your servers.

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Banned in Jailbreak -> 1 day (Freekilling) Nickname: Oprah Niggfree

Banned in CrackHouse -> 2 hours Mic Spam

Perm Ban by Lyds in CrackHouse -> No reason? [stfu]


Being warned several times to stop mic spamming.


Being that this is his 2nd or 3rd offense with spamming, I think he should have learned his lesson the first time.

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I thought i was banned from Jailbreak, my bad. First time I was banned from freekilling in Jailbreak, was because I did not know how to play the map it was my first time being a CT on Jailbreak I did not know what I was doing.



One thing I have to say... I have joined several servers with HLSS, without me spamming a single button the server would automatically ban me. I believe this is what happened in my case. Please unban. I already deleted HLSS a long time ago...



Please.... And to the Operation Repo girl in this thread... I didnt learn anything my first time because the server banned me without warning.

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I thought i was banned from Jailbreak, my bad. First time I was banned from freekilling in Jailbreak, was because I did not know how to play the map it was my first time being a CT on Jailbreak I did not know what I was doing.



One thing I have to say... I have joined several servers with HLSS, without me spamming a single button the server would automatically ban me. I believe this is what happened in my case. Please unban. I already deleted HLSS a long time ago...



Please.... And to the Operation Repo girl in this thread... I didnt learn anything my first time because the server banned me without warning.


Being mean and belligerent towards clan members will not you unbanned.


When you don't know how to play a certain MOD...open up your chat and type "MOTD" or even before that..before you choose a side (ie: T or CT) the MOTD is already there for you.



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How was i being mean? As far as the mod i didnt know there was a mod... To me it was like any other normal map, i didnt know what was going on. Jessica, I dont normally join maps with mods, i just play normal games. Deathmatch or Team VS. Please I would appreciate the unban. I was not expecting to be permanently banned for something I was doing. I remember being banned because my HLSS. How long does it take to get an unban?

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You are doing no good for yourself by your comments


We dont have a autoban for hlss

On jailbreak all it will do is automute you

Other servers dont have anything of the sort


I apologize if i offended you. And actually some servers do have that mod. Download HLSS and try joining Titties&Beer Servers. You will be banned before you even choose a team. It is an automatic system like a thirdparty anti-hacking mod. They have de_deahtmatch servers. I was unbanned due to their auto system banning before i even joined a team.



I would appreciate to hear from a moderator or a staff member.

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I apologize if i offended you. And actually some servers do have that mod. Download HLSS and try joining Titties&Beer Servers. You will be banned before you even choose a team. It is an automatic system like a thirdparty anti-hacking mod. They have de_deahtmatch servers. I was unbanned due to their auto system banning before i even joined a team.



I would appreciate to hear from a moderator or a staff member.


In time young GrassHopper

Staff are very busy...

Just have to wait

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