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:NG: Bloods

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You must understand. There are several (more than you can imagine) admins for jailbreak. Most of them know what they are doing. It's usually the PLAYERS that don't understand the rules. We have to see it to do something about it. Sometimes we can't be in 10 places at once. Some people have school, work, admin other servers etc. The world doesn't revolve around you just because you need help. Sometimes players have to figure it out for yourself, Voteban, Votekick, etc.

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wow, you both just mega raged on this guy for no reason, hes saying that he thought a majority of HG members recieved admin but apparently not, so he was wondering if an admin would have time to come in and help a bit

way to attack this guy


blood, we have more then enough admins to fix your situation, we should have almost 4 on at all times of day we have so many. well try to diversify a bit better


please though if youd like to help our servers, you can buy admin for just 5$!

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Well Even Though Im New ( NOOBIES FTW!!!! :xd:) But Anyways, Ive Seen This Problem Alot Lately on some of the servers (Hide And Seek, Surf, ect.) And really Like He Said The Only Thing We Really Can Do About It Is VoteKick And Ban Or Buy Admin. Oh And Thread I Feel For Ya Man I Really Do.

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Uhh why do you capitalize almost every word?


Anyway, as long as we have dedicated admins (like me, Pitbull, Headshot, ect) I think it'll all work out just fine. You're never going to be able to get rid of anything bad forever. There's always gonna be something that goes wrong somewhere and you can't help it. Just the way things are.

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