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And they called it Mass Effect


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Alright guys, mass effect 2 is coming out soon and as some of you may know they are offering a feature of importing all of your saves from the the original mass effect( stat points, plot decisions you made, etc.) into the sequel. Now my idea is how about we share some of our saves? not everyone has the time to create 10 different characters to experience everything (or do you?) so lets help each other out.


what this thread is for is uploading your COMPLETED game save which is created when you beat the game. Also provide a brief description of the character, such as the characters background, class, level, and alignment.



I'll start it off


Level 50 infiltrator

Colonist, war hero

100% paragon (filled "good guy" gauge)

saved the council, let wrex live, completed 92% of side quests


Edited by Weeman
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good idea. where is the final save @ cause I started a new one with my same character.




Level 46 Adept

Maxed out all offensive adept traits, throw, singularity, etc. barrier is on 3rd I think.

Killed council, wrex lived

Idk how too see SQ details :/

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good idea. where is the final save @ cause I started a new one with my same character.




Level 46 Adept

Maxed out all offensive adept traits, throw, singularity, etc. barrier is on 3rd I think.

Killed council, wrex lived

Idk how too see SQ details :/


what OS do you have? XP its under application data > bioware > saves


windows 7 its under documents > bioware > saves (thank you lamp for this one)

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good idea. where is the final save @ cause I started a new one with my same character.




Level 46 Adept

Maxed out all offensive adept traits, throw, singularity, etc. barrier is on 3rd I think.

Killed council, wrex lived

Idk how too see SQ details :/


For this one



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weeman, if u re-upload ur character now, zhost won't change the filename on you... i don't know if the filenames are important to the game.


except it will lowercase the C in Char. safest way to preserve the file name (if filenames are important) is to zip it b4 uploading

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weeman, if u re-upload ur character now, zhost won't change the filename on you... i don't know if the filenames are important to the game.


except it will lowercase the C in Char. safest way to preserve the file name (if filenames are important) is to zip it b4 uploading


ah, no wonder why swats didnt work for me. thanks mate!

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