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Last stand admin abuser


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1. Abuser name: Last stand

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:1:17895037

3. What sever: Jail break

4. About what time: 21:33

5. PROOF: Cross hair has =[ i blue screened

6. Please tell us your side of the story. It helps us understand what happened during this time.

I joined the server to find that at 5:55 last stand had been unmuteing all players

He then swaped him self onto ct despite the ratio being off already i warned him abotu this asked him to come off ct and stop abusing

Crosshair came and he knows the rest

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Blatantly retarded. Asked him why he was doing all this stuff after Ninja told me what was happening. He never responded. Just looked at me in-game then ran away. He was causing a huge disturbance in the server, enough to drop 10 players. [HG] beast was in there as well, slayed him for a freekill and Last Stand refused to admit it WAS freekill. He does not know the rules or want to learn them.


This is the second time a report was filled on him.




Admin removal recommended.

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Admin revoked. Apparently learning our lesson gets even harder the second time.


finally he messes up again and gets his admin taken away............. lol like i said on the post from me that he was abusing awhile back no one likes that kid.... did he get perm ban? cause i know some admins said that if he abuses again and stuff he will get admin taken away and perm ban or something like that

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