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Ban request: WATCH OUT!!!


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i remember him saying not exactly that but along those lines

which i swhy i almost hammered him


if you had proof, that would've been fine. but headshot clearly stated he banned them without proof knowing they would just get unbanned. which is rediculous since WE have to do the unbanning.

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1st of all, i said they were getting unbanned because soccer talked to me w/ him and others in vent. Thats is why i said they were going to be unbanned. I didnt get proof because he was being disrespectful to some1, i told him to stop, he started talking to me, so i banned. Then ninja came starting talking about why did u ban my friend, and he starting being disrepstful over the mic. How am i going to take a ss of that???!??! am i suppost to go back in time and record it? srsly. I had enough of them, and so did all the other admins, but only I took action.



And it is not freekilling if I was playing simon says.



I was in the server because me pwned and fracture were bored of scriming.


so, because alot of people were mad because i was actually playing the game as a good ct (i was winning the rounds because they couldnt rebel) i lose admin, because they like to cry over a videogame. (I lose all my admin for 1 little thing that happen in Jailbreak?!)


I seen worst about people mass freekilling/banning/slaying/etc and nothing gets done....awsome.


I'm not gonna rage about something that happen in a server that i played once since jjk left. but just wanted to point all that out (Staff/Council members can do things in there, but as soon as some1 not that high up does something, every1 rages. w.e.)

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headshot if that was the case why did i recieve 22 messages from different people complaining about you? and if you spoke to soccer....then why did he not mention it when me prius and soccer discussed what was going on?


idk, ask him. he broght me to his channel with ninja, nad a few others were there.

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