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well i just saw 2012 so wat do u guys think about the world ending in 2012...cus i think its complete bullspit and people say the answer is under one of those dog statues in egypt but they dont want us digging it up and if it really were under there i dont think we would care about egypt not wanting us to dig it up so ya.

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OK, Everyone get your facts striaght, the world will not end.... it may never end (knocks on wood) Nostradamus stated that the world wouldn't end it would just start over agian. The calender ended (supposably) on the day stated to the end of the world. Well maybe the government's plan is to extinct the people who believe it to kill themselves so we don't have to worry about them. Yet agian idk conspiricy flys like the swine flu....so idk.

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well i just saw 2012 so wat do u guys think about the world ending in 2012...cus i think its complete bullspit and people say the answer is under one of those dog statues in egypt but they dont want us digging it up and if it really were under there i dont think we would care about egypt not wanting us to dig it up so ya.


OK, first of all, the Mayans predicted the world ending now right? not the egyptians so why would the answer be under an egyptian statue?

Second of all, the only reason Mayans say that the world is going to end is because they couldn't calculate something with calendar on that date so they basically said "f*** it" and said the world was going to end. Everyone says that the Mayans were so ahead of their time with their astronomy so thats why they believe them but time doesn't matter when you are talking about intelligence, we are more astronomically advance than them so i don't believe the world is going to end, and Nostradamus is a fluke, didn't he have like a ton of predictions gone wrong and all of his predictions that went right are extremely vague, such as "two birds flying into a crane" (at least i think thats it) was supposed to be the twin towers, i mean its possible he was genius/supernatural but not likely. And didn't he say the world was ending in Y2K too?

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