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Ever wakeup confused?


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Seen the Hangover (movie)? If so, I felt the same way this morning minus any roofies or alcohol. I woke up this morning confuzzled out of my mind. I'd had some dream about being in jail and accidentally killing a guard after I tried to shove him off me during a fight, where he hit his head and was deader than a doornail. I had grabbed his clothes because I had to go save someone etc etc, ended up getting caught again and fighting some more idk. Anyways...


I woke up....now I went to bed wearing boxer briefs and sleeping just fine....I woke up....with my tv remote tucked into a drawer where I keep receipts, a rain jacket over my head, a gash on my arm with dried blood,, scratches on my other arm from doing something, left arm completely numb from sleeping on it, trash can from my desk laying upside down in my bathroom, my boxer briefs were still on but I was also wearing a shirt that I had pulled out of my hamper, my laptop charger had been unplugged and moved across the room. That was all I noticed at first upon awakening and moving around. Later I swore I hadn't taken some shoes in from my car but I might just have been not remmebering right.


Anyways... Confused as heck. No idea what happened last night. Hopefully I didn't beat someone up in Raleigh while in my boxer briefs sleepwalking or something. My roommate got up around 5:30 to go get some bball tix and came back around 7. He said I still had my door closed when he left and came back. I believe I fought off terrorists in my sleep.


So now I'm kinda worried about going to sleep again o_O

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I have done stuff like that before, but I think most were with alcohol...not sure.


One time I was dreaming that a book fell off my dresser, and I was having problems putting it back up there. Well I awoke to find myself with my sheets completely ripped off of my matress, and I had dragged my matress across the room and was trying to put it on the dresser! LMFAO


This other time in the middle of the night that I had gotten up and got dressed with boxers, shorts and jeans, and 3 shirts.....I woke up with all of that on...


My favorite one was after getting home from work, I fell asleep on my bed at 4:30pm. Then I woke up at 6:30pm but thought it was 6:30am. I took a shower and got dressed fast, because I was running late. I actually started driving to work......until I noticed the sun going down and not up......


I wouldn't say to be worried, lol. But if it wasn't alcohol, it might happen again. ;)

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Seen the Hangover (movie)? If so, I felt the same way this morning minus any roofies or alcohol. I woke up this morning confuzzled out of my mind. I'd had some dream about being in jail and accidentally killing a guard after I tried to shove him off me during a fight, where he hit his head and was deader than a doornail. I had grabbed his clothes because I had to go save someone etc etc, ended up getting caught again and fighting some more idk. Anyways...


I woke up....now I went to bed wearing boxer briefs and sleeping just fine....I woke up....with my tv remote tucked into a drawer where I keep receipts, a rain jacket over my head, a gash on my arm with dried blood,, scratches on my other arm from doing something, left arm completely numb from sleeping on it, trash can from my desk laying upside down in my bathroom, my boxer briefs were still on but I was also wearing a shirt that I had pulled out of my hamper, my laptop charger had been unplugged and moved across the room. That was all I noticed at first upon awakening and moving around. Later I swore I hadn't taken some shoes in from my car but I might just have been not remmebering right.


Anyways... Confused as heck. No idea what happened last night. Hopefully I didn't beat someone up in Raleigh while in my boxer briefs sleepwalking or something. My roommate got up around 5:30 to go get some bball tix and came back around 7. He said I still had my door closed when he left and came back. I believe I fought off terrorists in my sleep.


So now I'm kinda worried about going to sleep again o_O


Were you playing Jailbreak before going to bed, or worse, during? O_O

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I once had a bad reaction to pills where I woke up, completely hallucinating yet awake...I was stuck in between that deep sleep/instant wake up phase....demons were talking or at least that's what they sounded like. I was fighting it off too, almost like it was salvia.



Couldn't go back to sleep for the whole night =\

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Sleep walking.... happened to my cousin once.... he woke up around 3 am stuck his head out the door and started yelling out "A BOMB JUST WENT OFF... DIDN'T YOU HEAR THE BOOOM!!!!!" then he began to run into the furniture.... key thing is to never wake up a person that is sleep walking

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I once had a bad reaction to pills where I woke up, completely hallucinating yet awake...I was stuck in between that deep sleep/instant wake up phase....demons were talking or at least that's what they sounded like. I was fighting it off too, almost like it was salvia.



Couldn't go back to sleep for the whole night =\


The exact same thing happened to me when I was on tami flu and sudafed. Except of course there were robots crawling all over my room and transforming.

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I once had a bad reaction to pills where I woke up, completely hallucinating yet awake...I was stuck in between that deep sleep/instant wake up phase....demons were talking or at least that's what they sounded like. I was fighting it off too, almost like it was salvia.



Couldn't go back to sleep for the whole night =\


I have had that before too.

This one time I had to take a piss real bad. So I rolled over and got out of my bed and walked into the bathroom. Then as soon as i got in there, I was back in my bed, so I rolled over and got out to go again.

The same thing happened 4 times, and I can even remember saying to myself GET UP AND GO PISS!

It was really cool though.


I also had that happen when I was laying in bed, and I could hear what it sounded like was a phone conversation between two people. I think I was really tapping into some sort of frequency in that state.

I know I was not fully awake, but not asleep either. Awesome stuff.

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The only thing I had happen was when I was 6 years old My parents and I were in a head on collision car accident witch drove our Ford explorer about 20 yeards back the guy that hit us was sleeping behind the wheel of a Ford F150.


So the reason I say this is cause I was only 6-7 years old and From that car accident I was sleep walking every night for a whole week.


The first night I went into our kitchen and got into the Kitchen utensil draw and got a butter knife out and was just standing there saying about killing someone. So my mother put me on her lap took the knife out of my hand and made the mistake of waking me up and i clocked her in the face gave her a bloody nose.


the 2nd time i remember was i woke up and went outside and was feeding my dog pudding and jello out of the little cups my parents woke up came outside and came down our yard after me and they grabbed me put me back in bed but and told me what i did in the morning though i dont remember doing so.

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When I was liked 6-7 years old and I liked pokemon and that stuff, I had a dream where I was stuck in a cave with giant ass spiders that were like 20 feet tall and all I had to protect me was my pokemon! :< So I couldnt find my way out of the cave and my pokemon were dying so I eventually let one of the spiders kill me and it was horrifying! :D True dream. I think that made me switch to yu-gi-oh for a bit


Oh btw Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon were cool @ that age so don't judge :D

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when i was 9 i would have dreams where there are giant blocks rolling over me and i was so tiny compared to them and id wake with a wet bed and crying like a mofo it was messed up then another time it happend i slept walked outta my bed stood up and puked all over my tv and went back to bed

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This one time i woke up and I had just got back from Vietnam, I was walking through a small town when the sheriff spots me and drives me out. I head back to the town and the sheriff arrests me. Im beaten and harassed at the station till i finally snap when they tried to dry-shave me with a straight razor. I fought my way out of the station, steal a motorcycle and get chased into the mountains. Then a helicoptor comes up on me and starts shooting. I grab a rock and throw it in self defense. The guy fell out and died. I quickly disable the team using my guerrilla tactics and booby traps, severely wounding but not killing the deputies. In the chaos i see the sherrif put a knife to his throat and say "Don't push it or I'll give you a war you won't believe. Let it go".

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Was at a friend house for a lan and i was tired as fuck so i went and fell asleep. Dream was weird that all i was doing was picking up chickens and moving them and then setting them down. When i woke up i found out that my friend saw me walk into the kitchen, open the fridge and then close it. Turns out i move all of their frozen chicken on top of there fridge. They were like wtf


Another time i was told i got up went to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I then just left the shower on and walk back and laid down. My mom wasn't happy when she got back for work and notice the shower going and i was asleep....

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This one time i woke up and I had just got back from Vietnam, I was walking through a small town when the sheriff spots me and drives me out. I head back to the town and the sheriff arrests me. Im beaten and harassed at the station till i finally snap when they tried to dry-shave me with a straight razor. I fought my way out of the station, steal a motorcycle and get chased into the mountains. Then a helicoptor comes up on me and starts shooting. I grab a rock and throw it in self defense. The guy fell out and died. I quickly disable the team using my guerrilla tactics and booby traps, severely wounding but not killing the deputies. In the chaos i see the sherrif put a knife to his throat and say "Don't push it or I'll give you a war you won't believe. Let it go".


i beleive u watched rambo b4 bed?

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