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Admin(s) spamming slap for no reason


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1. Abuser name:-hg- Darkplanner

2. Their Steam Id:STEAM_0:1:19682882

3. What sever: JailBreak

4. About what time: i dunno dude like 20 minutes ago?


6. Please tell us your side of the story. It helps us understand what happened during this time.

so y0 i was just cruisin' 'round dude and was like being my racist self and stuff and BLAM i come across these admins n shti and thay is like WHOA BLAM we am going to spam slap ourselves onto the opsickle course and was like snap dude so i was and went then taken a picture and come with and pasted it on here because admin abuse. and there is a nother dude but there is alreaduy abuse tyhread for that guy so you can assume i thought you can put 2 +2 together because i eh he was slam spapping himself aswell . and im goin to post it rig





Edited by Seboard
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When I slapped H_G Killer it was to get him off this area he was stuck in in obstacle. He was also trying to slap himself out of it. The area was near obstacle near the end of the 1st tier.


I also slapped Pizza Guy and myself for a little fun to add into the game. The rounds were mainly freedays since no CT had a mic. Pizza Guy told me to slap him for a little fun so I did.


Like Weeman has told me, If it did not affect the game it is okay. Pizza consisted and Killer was stuck.


Thats it.

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thE SLAPPiNG hapened of 3 diferent rounds maybe u shold lock your keyboarrsup so it doesn['t get abused? yu know what your so cookl kid so you know what it was on 3 diferent arounds maybe you sohul learn not to go 2 gliches so you can slap abuse

Edited by Blackmanwithnojob
spelling erarr
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thE SLAPPiNG hapened of 3 diferent rounds maybe u shold lock your keyboarrsup so it doesn['t get abused? yu know what your so cookl kid so you know what it was on 3 diferent arounds maybe you sohul learn not to go 2 gliches so you can slap abuse


You think I glitched? I did not. I would of just slapped multiple times and it did NOT AFFECT THE GAME since it was freeday rounds with CT's with no mics. I was told this is fine.

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first of all, blackmanwithnojob, learn how to type on a keyboard or go back to school.

He did not even touch you, so i dont know what you are complainning about.


Stop making abuse thread for sure small things.


Dark even if it doesnt affect the game, make sure you dont do it too much either.

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