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STEAM_0:0:14680279 (SWAT Sniper 117)

SWAT Sniper 117

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here a demo and one reson i dont like mr bright side and i votebanned him


he always gives me shit and is always a douche, and i got banned for votebanning him


btw im pretty sure on the server it says "someody annoying? just type voteban





// Name: "ҲŞV | SWAT کnιpεя 117"

// SteamID: STEAM_0:0:14680279

// Server: Office

// Admin who banned you: >> HT | Vandium <<

// Reason for ban: >> Votebanning brightsides <<

Edited by HT | bort
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I thought it was soething like

"somebody annoying? just type votekick"

"Somebody hacking? use voteban"


could be wrong.



he always gives me shit and is always a douche


Coming from the worlds biggest camper / team stacker,

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i give you shit because you stack teams talk like your good and is just a point whore


and this was like a week ago sorry i wanted to be a little rebel for 28 seconds of my life during a knife round


See? I don't care if Swat Sniper is the biggest douche in the world. You keep responding and talking shit. Maybe if you cut this down things wouldn't flare up so often. That's not to say Swat Sniper isn't at fault.


You're both equally pathetic.

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I move this thread into the Unban Requests forum. If you wish to start an admin abuse thread against the admin who banned you, please create a new thread in the abuse forum, but this time include the necessary information as per the template. Thank you.

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