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Jailbreak rules update?


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Alright We had problem on the jailbreak server when someguy named IBLADE decided to tarp everyone with a evil simon Tarp. Everyone got caught And went to the big cage , As i said EVERY TS did go to the big cage, And then he give the order To Kill all the ts that went to the big cage, In my opinion this was a mass killing order, Also i think u shoud not be able to kill EVERY ts.

I think there shoud definatly be a rule about this(And there is a think called Mass killing) BUT an admin called Awwik Told me it was legit.

In my opinion this masskill Was like doing a fountian jump and even if EVERY TS missed the ct lead order to kill all the ts that missed the fountian jump.

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This already is a rule i think..you can kill everyone until there are 2 t's left then if anyone kills them it is a freekill and they will be slayed




if your entire team fell for the trap then sucks for your team huh? everyone except the last 2 ts should have been killed, which is rather difficult when the ct team is shooting at different terrorists. just pay attention to the orders.


though it is a douchebag move.

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