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All Hide and Seek Unban Look Here


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some random person ma_banned all, i dont know if he had admin or not, but he connected about 50 times before executed the command, I noticed one odd thing about that, most times it said BLAH connected (rank X of X with 0 points) but one of the times it said BLAH connected (rank x of x with 0 Pounts) note teh spelling error


i dunno

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was banned at the Hide and Seek server too......think i was sleeping at that time too...but could be a time difference

appreciate it if u unban me...love the deathmatch server XD


Steam ID: Steam_0:1:8761607

name: Showgun (pretty cool aint it....i know...though it would suck if i dont get unbanned because of this side comment)

server: Hide and Seek

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