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W badly need a fix to the jailbreak rules... if you have any recommended rules, post them here...



1. If a CT plants a gun, they will be kicked on 2nd offense AFTER slaying them first.

2. CT's should be able to kill T's in armory without warning...

3. If ct gets in the deagle cage..T could knife them without punishment.

4. If a CT's designate an area, and then a T tries to enter they may be attacked.

5. If a T has a weapon holstered, on his back, or recently picked up he must be warned to drop it.

6. If a T has obviously picked up a weapon, after a couple seconds he may be killed.

7. T's CANNOT stack in one spot, or they will be slayed.






for #7 - or else this happens -



Edited by [HG] Thorn
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If a CT's designate an area, and then tried to enter they may be attacked.

If a T has a weapon holstered, on his back, or recently picked up he must be warned to drop it.

If a T has obviously picked up a weapon, after a couple seconds he may be killed.



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LAPD, you don't get it.... picking up a gun IS hostile intent if they DIDN'T HAVE TO GO NEAR IT.

Warning 2 times is wayyyyy too much... I only warn ONCE, IF THAT. If they even look at me, ill move and see if their gun is tracking me. if it is, ill blow them away...

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