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Fun times with Text To Speech !WARNING MATURE CONTENT!


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Dirty: roses are red, violets are twisted, bend over love, you're about to get fisteed 
SWAT: Roses are stupid, Violets are silly, Grease up your flaps, Cause here comes my willy
SWAT: Roses make me laugh, Violets make me titter, You're a dirty bitch, And you love it up the shitter
SWAT: Roses are shit, Violets are crap, Show me your clit, And I'll cum in your lap
SWAT: Roses are red, it's elementary, let's ring up a friend, and try double-entry.
Master: Roses are shit Violets are crap Show me your clit And I'll cum in your lap
SWAT: Roses are red, Violet are blue, I suppose I should tell you, I have a fetish about poo.
SWAT: Roses are red, Rain clouds are grey, I suppose I should tell you, I'm actually gay. - master
Dirty: Roses are awful Violets are the pits Lift up your shirt And show us your tits
Koragan: oh no. . . . oh no . . . . oh no . . . . oh YEAH!
SWAT: Roses are blue, violets are crapple, i forgot the dildo, go get a pineapple
SWAT: Roses are naff, and do you dig, sleeping with you, is like sex with a pig.
JJK: Roses are red, Violets are blue, what the fuck you got a dick too?
SWAT: I think of you in the sunshine, I think of you in the rain, I think i'll fucking kill you, if you shag my 

dad again.
Dirty: Roses are crap Violets are shit Sit on my face And wiggle a bit
JJK: Roses are dead, Violets are dead, a gun to my head and a short trip to bed
SWAT: Roses are red, Violets are blue, All my base, Are belong to you
Dirty: Roses make me laugh Violets make me titter You're a dirty bitch And you love it up the sh!tter
SWAT: Roses are red, Violets are blue, All my base, Are belong to you
JJK: Roses are red, violets are blue, im just stateing a fact, they both are true
SWAT: Roses are red, Violets are blue, I'm outside your house, And I'm spying on you. I cant think of any, 

Appropriate flowers, But, from here I, Can see you in the shower.
JJK: Roses are red, violets are not, poor jj has ran our of pot
JJK: dammit
SWAT: Roses are red, except them others, id would much rather make love to your brothers.
JJK: Roses are red, Violets are pale, forgot what i was typing god dammit i fail
SWAT: Violets are blue, some roses are white, i took you up the arse n got covered in shite.
SWAT: My penis is red, My scrotum is blue, From STD'S, that I got from you.
Master: Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue, God Made Me Pretty, What Happened To you?
SWAT: Roses are red, pickles are green, I like your legs and what's in between.
JJK: roses are red, skinny and stout. techno is still staff? get the fuck out
SWAT: Row, row, row yer boat gently down the stream, Belts off, trousers down, isn't life a scream
Master: Roses are red violets are black why is your chest as flat as my back
JJK: Roses are red, viloets are blue, im so damn hungry B R B need some food
SWAT: Roses R Phat, Violets R Neat, I Kick Yer Ass, Cuz I Are Teh Leet
SWAT: You said you'd always love me, you said you'd always care, so why oh why leave me, when I tried on your 

SWAT: Your body is so perfect, your dancing so erotic, I wish you hadn't killed me, you murdering psychotic.
JJK: Where is homer? Who took him away? Or is he jsut pretending to be a f k
JJK: homer and steven sitting in a tree, p'r'o'g'r'a'm'm'i'n'g
JJK: roses are red, violets are nots, get the fuck out here comes the cops
SWAT: A nice brown package boxed up nicely for you wait a minute, that's my monkey poo!
JJK: roses are red, cannabis is green, take it to the brain, if you know what i mean
JJK: roses are red, violets are red, im pretty damn sure this joke is now dead
SWAT: Roses are dirty Violets have fleas Peel back my skin And lick off my cheese
Dirty: I met a girl on the Internet her name was Haley I said to give me sex he said I’m only twelve I said that 

shit is cool I used to be in middle school!
SWAT: Roses are red When in reality Sleeping with girls Don't beat beastiality
SWAT: Roses are groovy Violets are funky I'm thinking of you And spanking my monkey
SWAT: When roses are red, they're ready for plucking; Now Master is sixteen, He's ready for fucking.
SWAT: Ten thousand tons of cheese, Fermenting in my room, You tried to clean them up, I attacked you with a broom

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