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1. Abuser name: H.I.T.M.A.N

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:19172415

3. What sever: Jailbreak

4. About what time: 8:10 Central






-I have my demo recording bound to save under the name of "freekill" because I have never changed it, so I hope that's the correct demo.

6. Please tell us your side of the story. It helps us understand what happened during this time.

-I saw HITMAN spam slap himself, and I was wondering what was going on, so I spectated him and noticed he was on top of red light greenlight, so I told him that's abuse and he's gonna get like 20 abuse reports against him, he stayed up there anyway, and killed about 4 or 5 CT's.


I expected a lot more from you HITMAN :sad2:

Edited by Slazenger
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I was also there. The reason why he was doing this is because another T accidentally did it first. A t was on obstacle on lr and need slapped off. He ended up up there. A ct wanted the guy to stay so the t was going to do western shootout. Somehow they came up with the game whack a mole. So then the CT did tell him to do it again because a certain ct liked to play. The game was done a few times.

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Well, from my perspective, when joining the game he was on top of red light green light after slapping himself up there killing ct's and when I tried to speak with him twice about what was going on, he ignored my message. He then later agreed to Jason that he abused his admin powers, so I'll leave it up to HG Staff, just reporting what I saw.

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The "Let's Point Fingers Abuse Train" has its last stop on the "Aboose Caboose Line" here.


Must I remind you?


- The only acceptable replies in the Abuse Reports forum will be between the one submitting the report, Staff or Council that resolve the report, and the person the report is filed on.


- Help is encouraged but it will be required to have verifiable evidence, i.e. a screenshot or demo to assist with the case.


- Under no circumstances will useless posts be allowed to stay on these forums. Punishments will be handed out.


- These rules can and will be updated at any time. It is up to the discretion of Staff and Council what is considered spam.


*Repercussions for Spamming this forum*


- 1st Offence: Warning via Post and PM.


- 2nd Offence: PM #2, Up to a 24 hour forum ban.


- 3rd Offence: Up to a week forum ban.


- 4th Offence: Demotion from HeLLsGamers. (HG | down to [HG], [HG] to -hg-, -hg- to [])



On that note, what hitman did wasn't great and it was unfair to the CTs. If it was indeed his LR, he is allowed to use his admin powers to assist in a T's custom LR (regardless of whether the T is himself or not.) From what I see, no one was hurt by the incident nor did it adversely affect jailbreak.


It was his LR (the CTs all lose their guns at the end of the round anyway) so he had a bit of fun doing so.



He slapped himself only enough times to get onto the roof of red light / green light and he only slapped himself. This is not abuse, he was trying to do something fun. I highly doubt he will try it again considering the outcry it caused from the other admins.


Rather than worry about things like this that don't have an impact on gameplay, worry about things like how you keep jailbreak in control and deal out just punishments to wrongdoers by following the appropriate steps.




He should not have done this honestly, as I don't see the point in it as far as an LR...but this was not an malicious abuse of admin. Just do not give yourself an unfair advantage please, Hitman.

Edited by Slazenger
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Just putting it out there he did this two times and slapped himself more than 2 times he slapped himself at the least seven.


cool story bro did you read the post 2 posts above yours or was it too TLDR for you? this is your first offense.

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