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Born in...


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If you could decide what time you would of wanted to be born in, which would you choose?


for me, 1951 for the birth and be around for 1969, an amazing year for humanity.




The moon

Just the fact that you were there in that point in time to say, I witnessed a man on TV escape from earth and land on another satellite other than ours is simply amazing.




Ive been to so many concerts nowadays and after watching videos and documentaries about the 70's I would love to be 18 at that time and appreciate all the amazing talent of hendrix, morrison, Jefferson Airplane, buffalo springfield, etc. That was probably the most epic concert of that century and to not experience that; man such a let down =/




The cars.. I love cars from the 70's they are just elegant pieces of work, man imagine driving one of these nowadays



I can list so much more but yeah, that my year, how about you guys?

Edited by JuIcY
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