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Terry ripping on grizzly's computer


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  GRIZZLY said:
I looked at Terry china chic again, take that off by the way it's distracting.


That website tinypic you can upload a picture without having an account thank god, now it's too big I give up.


Delete this whole thing


LMAO grizzly....


I can see all the big pics you posted fine. Do you have some questions or just showing us your new shit?


BTW the "product key" at the bottom is not your cd key, you don't have to blank that out lol. Thats just the identification for your particular OS.


Anyway for this picture http://i50.tinypic.com/hs556u.png


Yes i can make mine look like that, thats the new resource monitor on the left.


Your CPU is the same as an i7 920. 2.67 ghz with turbo mode on and 8 CPU threads, descently fast but the X5550 was very expensive and the i7 920 was only 280ish. Hopefully you didn't get jewed and pay 1k for the X5550.


For graphics cards, quadro sucks, it's not made for gaming, more $ doesn't mean better.

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ouch I hope you didn't buy that quadro for gaming.


As for the difference: quadros and GeForces are essentially identical. However, NVIDIA knows the following things:


- businesses have more money than consumers

- businesses have retards in charge of their IT budgets who can be convinced of practically anything


So NVIDIA purposefully limits the capabilities of the cards with DRIVERS to make it appear that Quadros are better suited for business applications and GeForces are better suited for gaming applications. And it charges a premium for the Quadros b/c they are for "business".


... yet another reason I have given up on NVIDIA.

Source http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/quadro-fx-4800,2258-10.html

If you want my other reasons why NVIDIA sucks, ask.

Edited by bort
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I bought this card at the time for everything/anything, there is no budget either.


The link on Tom's hardware shows a gaming card used for workstation applications, surprised at the difference in grading. Searched for a quadro on gaming test, no find yet.

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  bort said:
ouch I hope you didn't buy that quadro for gaming.


As for the difference: quadros and GeForces are essentially identical. However, NVIDIA knows the following things:


- businesses have more money than consumers

- businesses have retards in charge of their IT budgets who can be convinced of practically anything


So NVIDIA purposefully limits the capabilities of the cards with DRIVERS to make it appear that Quadros are better suited for business applications and GeForces are better suited for gaming applications. And it charges a premium for the Quadros b/c they are for "business".


... yet another reason I have given up on NVIDIA.

Source http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/quadro-fx-4800,2258-10.html

If you want my other reasons why NVIDIA sucks, ask.


What other reasons other than the ones tomidontknowshitabouthardware.com gives, does nvidia suck?


Have you compared a ATI workstation card to a ATI gaming card?

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Didn't come up Terry, but if you remove that first I space the words out and Google it, you know where it goes.....



Personally I don't care about the brand, but I did go to a website called futuremark and play around with some of their programs. I downloaded a program called 3dmark06 and ran it, pretty neat. Seems to be similar to the counter strike video test, just longer and at the end they give you all these great numbers that don't mean squat to me. They compared them to the fastest computer to run this program, basically telling me that is not the fastest. Then I tried an online program within futuremark called game-o-meter, it's under the online benchmark tabs. Sounds pretty simple to do, run this program to find out if a particular game can run on your configuration. Interesting results-







Maybe this game-o-meter isn’t very accurate but it’s telling me with my current configuration I can’t play a game that I’m 40% from completion, far cry/2 and crysis don’t run into problems either. The REAL reason why I am asking is if there is a + to changing the card to I can see the game better, I would do it. My sight is not the greatest, so any advantage is very helpful. I understand there is a big dollar difference, but I can’t believe it’s just for extra support or a different driver. I also understand this is a gaming site, not wtfisthedifferencebetweenquadroandgraphicscards.com but googling it doesn’t get me anywhere either. Surprised nobody has toyed with the idea of using a graphics card not designed for gaming.

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  GRIZZLY said:


Didn't come up Terry, but if you remove that first I space the words out and Google it, you know where it goes.....



Personally I don't care about the brand, but I did go to a website called futuremark and play around with some of their programs. I downloaded a program called 3dmark06 and ran it, pretty neat. Seems to be similar to the counter strike video test, just longer and at the end they give you all these great numbers that don't mean squat to me. They compared them to the fastest computer to run this program, basically telling me that is not the fastest. Then I tried an online program within futuremark called game-o-meter, it's under the online benchmark tabs. Sounds pretty simple to do, run this program to find out if a particular game can run on your configuration. Interesting results-




Maybe this game-o-meter isn’t very accurate but it’s telling me with my current configuration I can’t play a game that I’m 40% from completion, far cry/2 and crysis don’t run into problems either. The REAL reason why I am asking is if there is a + to changing the card to I can see the game better, I would do it. My sight is not the greatest, so any advantage is very helpful. I understand there is a big dollar difference, but I can’t believe it’s just for extra support or a different driver. I also understand this is a gaming site, not wtfisthedifferencebetweenquadroandgraphicscards.com but googling it doesn’t get me anywhere either. Surprised nobody has toyed with the idea of using a graphics card not designed for gaming.


LMFAO.....you crack me up grizzly.


Yeah 3Dmark is a very advanced tool to compare CPUs,video cards, memory, all that good stuff.


That game o meter is retarded lol.


Most people do not use quadro for graphics because.


1. Quadro costs ALOT more

2. There is no performance gains in games, only applications (3d design shit)


Visually there is no difference and if you are happy with the PERFORMANCE of it, then do not upgrade or buy anything. You will not see things clearer, boobs will not be less pixely, and bad guys will not look scarier.


  GRIZZLY said:
Part 1 easy

Part 2 ok, pictures make it understandable

Part 3 eh? skip part 3

Part 4 I'm f@$cked



I googled nvidia blurry, some ticked of people out there


I also googled ATI sucks and guess what Terry, it took me back to tomidontknowshitabouthardware.com




lmao.....yeah toms hardware is very popular as most don't know better and click the first link they google. There is good and bad about nvidia and ATI. Brand loyalist are retards and really piss me off.

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  Terry Taco said:
LMFAO.....you crack me up grizzly.


Yeah 3Dmark is a very advanced tool to compare CPUs,video cards, memory, all that good stuff.


That game o meter is retarded lol.


Most people do not use quadro for graphics because.


1. Quadro costs ALOT more

2. There is no performance gains in games, only applications (3d design shit)


Visually there is no difference and if you are happy with the PERFORMANCE of it, then do not upgrade or buy anything. You will not see things clearer, boobs will not be less pixely, and bad guys will not look scarier.




lmao.....yeah toms hardware is very popular as most don't know better and click the first link they google. There is good and bad about nvidia and ATI. Brand loyalist are retards and really piss me off.


Terry's tacos are the finest. Fuck Taco Bell.

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  GRIZZLY said:


Didn't come up Terry, but if you remove that first I space the words out and Google it, you know where it goes.....



Personally I don't care about the brand, but I did go to a website called futuremark and play around with some of their programs. I downloaded a program called 3dmark06 and ran it, pretty neat. Seems to be similar to the counter strike video test, just longer and at the end they give you all these great numbers that don't mean squat to me. They compared them to the fastest computer to run this program, basically telling me that is not the fastest. Then I tried an online program within futuremark called game-o-meter, it's under the online benchmark tabs. Sounds pretty simple to do, run this program to find out if a particular game can run on your configuration. Interesting results-







Maybe this game-o-meter isn’t very accurate but it’s telling me with my current configuration I can’t play a game that I’m 40% from completion, far cry/2 and crysis don’t run into problems either. The REAL reason why I am asking is if there is a + to changing the card to I can see the game better, I would do it. My sight is not the greatest, so any advantage is very helpful. I understand there is a big dollar difference, but I can’t believe it’s just for extra support or a different driver. I also understand this is a gaming site, not wtfisthedifferencebetweenquadroandgraphicscards.com but googling it doesn’t get me anywhere either. Surprised nobody has toyed with the idea of using a graphics card not designed for gaming.




you can also go to can you run it.com and it will show you minimiun and recommended specs, plus tell you how your comp. would run it, or tell you what part you need to replace so it can go faster.

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