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Human eye: FPS & TV/VIDEO


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I wanted to write a topic on something that has been bothering me for the last few hours because I cant find at this time how this IDEA could be disproved. This is what I have been thinking,


The human eye perceives motion at 24-30 frames per second If I remember correctly. Now lets say we have an experiment, a controlled setting, time, place, etc. The testing environment can be manipulated up the the laws of physics..Now lets say we take a video of a gun shooting a wall similar to this video:



1 million Frames per second.


Now if the human eye can only perceive around 30 FPS normally, in theory, could we make a video program that, when speed up, seems real and natural?


I know this sound incredibly confusing but think about this as your writng you response right now to this thread, you see as fast as you can understand. For instance, the speed of light to your eyes is instant but it travels at 186,000 miles per SECOND. We take it for granted when we flick the light switch, turn on the monitor, or light a match -- but that is the psychical world. Considering our eye can view it, a spec of sand in a beach of speed (anaology) why cant we perceive more than 30 FPS and come to the idea of "real life" viewing?


Also, when watching the latest blu ray movie or playing the newest PC game, there is a noticeable lag, not from your human interface actions, but with the frames per second you are seeing with your eye; we know its amazing graphics but its not real life.


The whole purpose of this thread was, does anyone think its possible to see a video image that looks purely real? With such advancements in television technology such as the leap from 720 to 1080 and now to LED televisions in the marke,, I think we could be on the edge... but you do you guys think?

Edited by JuIcY
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