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Team Fortress 2 Update Released


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Updates to Team Fortress 2 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:



  • Enabled Steam Cloud support for key bindings and custom spraypaint images
    • Added Options->Multiplayer->Advanced option to toggle off/on: default is on

Team Fortress 2

  • Added new Highlander mode
    • 9 players allowed per team
    • Restricts each team to 1 of each class
    • Use mp_highlander (0/1) to toggle off/on: default is 0

    [*]Added "bots" to the server's sv_tags convar if the server is running bots

    [*]Fixed a weapon name localization issue

    [*]Fixed the "tf_teamtalk" server convar not controlling text chat between living/dead teammates

    [*]Updated the map CTF_DoubleCross

    • Fixed the map not ending correctly when using mp_timelimit
    • Changed to prevent Engineers from building on top of the shack in each base

    [*]Updated the map Arena_WatchTower

    • Fixed a case where players could open and get stuck on the starting gates before the round start
    • Improved clipping to prevent people from getting out of the map
    • Optimized the map for better performance



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