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First off, you don't know me, so don't talk like you do. Second, I have a fucking job, I work for a guy that buys shitty, beat up houses, me and a crew of 5 other dudes go in and totally demolish the whole house. We tear out Drywall, baseboard, Tile, vinyl tile, carpet, the counter-tops, Cabinets, bathtubs, ceiling fans, EVERYTHING. And we replace it all with New, fresh, high quality shit. It's hard work, but it's good money. And it's really rewarding to see the finished product. The only reasosn I'm at home right now is because last month I tore my ACL, and Menuscus in my right knee. I though it was getting better, then Last weekend I rolled it again, and now it's even more ****** up. I'm going to need total reconstructive surgery, and yes I have some pills, 800mg Vicodins at that. Go fuck yourself.

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