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admin abuse awwik


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Awwik : someone is going to go ban happy

Failed to load sound "doors\doorstop6.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository

Awwik : with 5 mins left


i kill him for pointing an awp at me and he slays me and then he bans me thats abuse theres is your proof!!!

he said that about 5 mins before that happend

Edited by Slazenger
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Clearly you didn't learn anything from your last abuse thread.


Let's recap.




1. Abuser name:

2. Their Steam Id:

3. What sever:

4. About what time:


6. Please tell us your side of the story. It helps us understand what happened during this time.



you still haven't even given us your steamid, which its probably not permanent



Let's go over what is wrong with this. Maybe we can fix some of it.




  1. No template.
  2. No proof.
  3. No specifics.
  4. You didn't provide your Steam, yet you're talking about a ban.
  5. You can't expect us to take you seriously and try to help you if you are not going to take this seriously and be respectful.


Can we start over?



Edit: There are no bans on that Steam ID and no one with perma ban capabilities on jailbreak are having issues with their bans posting.




Try again, please.

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i wasnt recording and apparently neither were you, but I was there.

Awwik was freekilled by you, he dropped the awp then the other guy killed someone with it. The rebel died and then you killed Awwik after.


Im gonna start recording your actions so this doesnt happen again.


BTW, you arent using a template...

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dont have his steam id




Awwik : someone is going to go ban happy

Failed to load sound "doors\doorstop6.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository

Awwik : with 5 mins left


i was sitting up on a ledge he was in big cage he pointed the awp right at me so i shot him he rages slays be and then bans me. prior to this he was talking about how the server is messed up with the ban list and asking hippie if they fixed the perm ban thing going on

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Um first of all....i never said that. Second of all darkplanner rebeled and was shot. Before i could even drop the Awp i was killed i slayed and banned. It was one of his many fk today.




Sorry for the trouble HG




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This is what happened:


Me and Awwik, winners of trivia in the bottom of big cage choosing 2 corners to die. I find a awp outside, I pick it up and quickly stack on Awwik, I kill lead, someone head shots me with awp. I die and AWP falls to Awwik, 2 seconds later he killed Awwik.

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Thread closed. The ban was excessive, he should not have banned an admin, but this thread is not staying open considering shendo's blatant disregard of the rules and his disrespect.



Edit: Unbanned. I've spoken to Awwik as well.

Edited by Slazenger
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