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Bill "536 Sullivan"

Never trust a hippie

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1. Abuser name: Bill

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:1:14904932

3. What sever: Jail break

4. About what time: Bout 1:00 AM EST

5. PROOF: Bill jpg

6. Please tell us your side of the story: I accidently shot this guy Bill on the top of big cage trying to kill someone, he didnt die but was extremely pissed off. He proceeded to threaten the server with a ban for anyone that freeshoots, I said thats a little harsh over the mic. Thats when the type started, and he said "do you want a ban little boy". I replied with what I got which was name calling. Then dared him. He knew I was an admin because i had just banned a guy for gun planting multiple times the round previous, yet proceeded to ban me anyways. He sounded like he was new and being way to harsh and mean.

I want to get this on record more than anything else and inform him to read through the ADMIN RULES carefully.


Edited by Slazenger
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