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So my 24 inch Dell Monitor had some stupid vertical dead pixel lines and I decided to call/online chat dell support to replace it since it was under warranty.... here is what happened


Vertical Lines:






1) Went to online support first and the guy helping me said "let me transfer you to tech support"


2) I was transferred to MEXICO'S TECH SUPPORT


3) I asked the guy why he transferred me there he said "Oh i saw your name (Jose) and i thought maybe you would want to talk to some one who spoke Spanish"


4) I replied "Fuck you" and left chat....



5) I called the 1-800 number <------- very stupid idea


6) After one hour of explaining the trouble my monitor was having and doing all the bullshit trouble shooting they give in and transfer me to warranty department


7) Warranty department tells me "whoever helped you out first did not document anything... We are going to have to go through all the troubleshooting again"


8) 35 minutes later they cave in and they are going to replace my monitor


So total time to get my monitor replaced was:


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its not racist its profiling theirs a difference. i mean you call and get spanish tech i call i get India tech point of the story outsourcing blows...


Fail. He was sent to the Mexican Support chat because his name is Jose. That is racial profiling (which is a type of racism). You weren't sent to India tech support because your named sounds Indian, were you?

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Fail. He was sent to the Mexican Support chat because his name is Jose. That is racial profiling (which is a type of racism). You weren't sent to India tech support because your named sounds Indian, were you?


deagle = Prakash Bakalakadaka?




and if u worked across from bioware lamigra you should've told them how much i love them

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