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I was a clairvoyant 3 year old

Apt. 2B

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On my way to my haircut appointment yesterday, we passed an old empty building that I had never noticed before, it appeared that it used to be a bank of sorts.


Surprised that I had never noticed it before - I aked my mother, " 'Ey, yo, moms! Wuddup wit dat place?"*


To which she responds, "Well it used to be a bank..." and proceded to scare the sox off me.

She told me how that used to be her bank, and one day when she had to make a transaction, she brought 3 year old Apt. 2B with her. check it She told me, that while we were waiting in line lil Apty got nervous. I looked up to my mother and spoke, "Mommy, there's bad people here. They take people into the back and kill them. But the police took them away. I never wanna come here again."


Apparantly, that's exactly what happened. Thirty years ago a small group of men attempted to rob the place. Taking several tellers into the back and executing them. They were indeed arrested. I certainly did know this at the time. I have no recollection of any of this. I have never been told this before. That night while I lay in bed I could not shake the feeling that I was not alone in my room. I fell half asleep many times that night, always waking up shortly after with an indistinguishable feeling of what I can only describe as terror deep in my chest.


I have never believed in ghosts, or resonant emotions and memories or anything of the like... but this had me just about shitting brix.



Ebonics translation: Excuse me, mother, but what is the history of that building over yonder?

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