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Shitty day


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Today sucked so much..


Im coming home from my girlfriends house doing 45 ina 40 and what do ya know.. speed trap.. I get a citation, my first ticket in 7 years, never pulled over, ticketed, arrested..today of all days..and the cop was being a dick.


I go to a bar right after to relax and get the damn ticket off my mind. after 20 minutes, Some drunk shithead out of town comes over to me at the bar and starts asking why I have a cast, "Did I break my arm jerking off?" he laughs and looks over to his buds at the table. With the cast on my left arm I swing at him with my right pissed as fuck, I hit him in the jaw and while sitting on the bar stool, next thing I know he throws me to the floor and kicks my face 3 times with his boot that's all I remember, now, I just woke up an hour ago at my friends house.


what a shitty ass day..I need some aspirin

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Next time you go to that bar, wrap your cast in sheet metal (add spikes for flair) and then see who mouths off to you. Also, only pussies kick in a barfight.


From what I've found, 40-45 mph zones are usually the worst areas for speed traps. They know that's where you'll start to speed up a bit.

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