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Proper grammar?


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Any way people could try to use proper grammar and spelling?

its hard 2 red wen ppl tlk lyk dis.

0r l1k3 d15.

It just makes it hard. And I sit here for a while trying to decode your messages. I remember when people would get onto Headshot for talking............like....................this............? And he fixed that so you guys would quit giving him a hard time.

Yes, I know this is the internet, but come on? Is it really that much quicker to type "u" instead of "you"?

Dumb suggestion? Yes. But it hurts to have to decode some of your messages. Especially yours LAPD. >.< English is your Native language hmm?

If not, I can understand that.

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Fragmented sentences will be the death of you.


I love how you say, "learn how to use comma's." and then say, "Fragmented sentences will be the death of you.".... "learn how to use comma's" is a fragment roflmao.


Btw, how come everyone yells at me for having proper grammar ingame. For example, HT | Bill said, "Dude, itz the internetz." and "Do you really need grammar online"


I constantly get beleaguered by meager denizens of this community, yelling at me for taking things so seriously.


P.S. if anyone is wondering whether I really talk with vocab words.... I really do.... I'm just that nerdy and geeky. I have no life!

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Btw, how come everyone yells at me for having proper grammar ingame. For example, HT | Bill said, "Dude, itz the internetz." and "Do you really need grammar online"


I constantly get beleaguered by meager denizens of this community, yelling at me for taking things so seriously.


P.S. if anyone is wondering whether I really talk with vocab words.... I really do.... I'm just that nerdy and geeky. I have no life!


If you ever told me you get beleaguered by meager denizens I would punch you in your vag.

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I don't mind if people use shorthand in game. It's serious business in there after all. But when people come on to the forums (especially people who want something, like an unban or admin) and use barely legible spelling and grammar, I want to hunt them down and launch Terry Taco out of a cannon and into their face. Now, I'm not going to be a total nazi and expect everyone to have flawless writing (like the beautiful, unique works of art that are my posts), but I mean, come on, use a fucking comma once in a while you dipshit.

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