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Super Bowl Recipes


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My favorite Super Bowl recipe:


First, we need to start out with a nice bowl. It should be sturdy: enough where it will not easily shatter. Also, the bowl will need to be the right size. It should be large and deep enough to need your whole hand to grab it, but no bigger.


Second, we will need a cape. I personally prefer fleece. Cut the fleece into a general cape shape. You may decide to make a hole for where the bowl will go, allowing for easy attachment later. Using sharpie markers, color in a picture loosely resembling superman's symbol on what will be the back of the cape. Searching for "superman symbol" in google should suffice if you need a reference.


Finally, attach the cape to the bowl. If you decided to make a hole to fit around the bowl, just put it on. Otherwise, get some scotch tape and go to work. When using the scotch tape method, special attention should go to making sure the cape is evenly attached on both sides to keep the cape from looking crooked.


Other options include making angry eyes on the side of the bowl opposite the cape. This will ensure that everyone knows your bowl is superior, and that they should keep their distance. You can put food inside the bowl if you wish, but you will have to accept that fact that you are like zombies eating brains out of a poor creature that you yourself made.

Edited by D3nL
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