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YES Saints won for sure came back in 4th quarter and kicked ass big time.


That was a nice 62 yard interception ran into for a touch down.


But they deserved the win that they got. I mean hell Drew Bree's dislocates his shoulder goes threw a year of surgery back to back and shit. Then no one wants to take him back in pro EXCEPT New Orleans.


So he moves to New Orleans and makes it his home town, donates over 2 million dollars to help out fix things up.


And then brings them to the superbowl. " Deffinitly deserved it"

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lmao thats why everyone watches the superbowl.


Yeah there was only like 2 good ones I even chuckled at.


one of the Doritos commercials and the one were the naked chick was in the tub, takes a picture and says " I wonder what would happen if i sent this out to everyone" while she holds her cell phone in her hand and they show all these guys stairing at there phones and all the problems going on lol was pretty good.

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