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How do I get make white border transparent in photoshop?


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I have tried everything... watching tutorials and reading tutorials but still... nothing.:cry:


This is what it looks like




Can anyone help me fix this using photoshop... or any other program.





P.S. I know the spray isn't that good it is my first photoshop project.



EDIT:Spelled white wrong in title

Edited by Soccercrazy
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Select-->Load Selection, Channels tab on bottom right, make a new one with the little folded corner paper button on the bottom--->Take your paintbucket and make it pure white. Fill the dotted outline of your spray with it--->Ctrl+D-->Click on other channels to bring color back. Go back to Select load selection and right click on it and click select inverse, then press delete on your spray layer and background layer and any other layer. This should make the background little checkerboard tiles. Saveas--->TGA (Targa) and drag into your cstrike folder then upload in CSS.


BTW the HG spray itself when you edit it already has a black/white channel, so just delete that and make the new one with the instructions above.

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hi, let me make it sound simple for ya


take the background layer, or whatever layer it is thats white

and turn the opacity of the layer all the way down to 0, thus making it transparent.


than save it as a png. o.O


then again i dont know how to make sprays so that might not be the answer you're looking for, but thats

how i do it to make signatures

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