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My computer is a beast...


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Yeah unless you get the G0 stepping or wtf it is the Q6600 is gonna have issues after 3.2ghz. I feel like value wise DDR1066 is a waste of dough. opinion, not fact. The antec 1200 is loud. Coolermaster has some pretty amazing cases though. I want a centurion 590 so bad it hurts.


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vista is gayer than Headshot....




I gotz vista too!


This is mine, or close to it.




Product summary

The Gateway FX 6710-01 - Core 2 Quad Q9400 2.66 GHz is a Core 2 quad-based, general-purpose computer.Compared to other mainstream desktop computers on the market, it is relatively expensive at around $1,255.This system comes with 6 GB RAM, and a 750GB hard disk.



Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad Q9400 (2.66 GHz) ; Clock speed: 2.66 GHz ; RAM installed: 6 GB DDR2 SDRAM



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how is this fake? If i spent over 1400$ on my current computer, why would it be a problem to spend like 700$ more to upgrade it? especially after i sell my current parts for about 300-400$... I play every game on the market EVEN crysis / crysis wars at 1920 x 1080 highest settings... FUCK OFF YOU BITCH ASS HOMO

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