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The best video game music ever (in my opinion, anyways)


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Well, recently I have been going through my bacement looking at boxes upon boxes of old stuff I haven't touched in years. And I soon came upon a stash of old PSX games. Wipeout, Crash Bandicoot, Jet Moto, Twisted Metal, Tekken, LOADED, and much more. So I decided to play them (at least the ones that weren't scratched to oblivion.). The first one I immediately popped in was DOOM. Then, I remembered how different it was to the PC/other ports.


Differences were:

New gun sounds

new monter sounds

colored lighting

And the thing that made this the best version of doom, it's music.


The music didn't make you feel badass, it made you feel scared. Alone, depressing, gloomy etc.


Here's a sample

Level 3: Toxin Refinery

Probably my favorite track. I reccomen you check out the rest of the soundtrack to, it's genius. You can find it here: Just click on the link to the track you want to hear


All credit for the music goes to: Aubrey Hodges.

Edited by SayHelloRosco
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I would have to say, for me, Chrono Trigger on SNES. That was my first RPG that I actually beat. The music and the story just intrigued me and I could listen to that just whenever.


Other games that I had liked for the music is:

Final Fantasy III (SNES)

MegaMan X (SNES)

Super Mario 1,2,3 (NES)

Super Mario World (SNES)

Super Mario All-Stars (SNES)


I know I have other favorites but that is what I can think of now. :)

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