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Minigames Votecash


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We were playing bigcity earlier and I found out about votecash from zild3d however, the command was broken and did not work.

So therefore I am suggesting that you implement this: (or something else if crosshair wants to rewrite it)

import es, playerlib

vc_cash = 16000
vc_voted = []

info = es.AddonInfo()
info['name'] = "Vote Cash"
info['basename'] = "votecash"
info['version'] = "0.0"
info['author'] = "Splizes"
info['url'] = "http://www.hellsgamers.com/"
info['description'] = "Gives a pre-defined amount of cash when players vote on it."

es.ServerVar(info['basename'], info['version'], info['description']).makepublic()

def player_say(ev):
   global vc_cash, vc_voted
   if ev['text'] == "votecash" or ev['text']  == "!votecash":
       user = int(ev['userid'])
       if user not in vc_voted:
           VotesNeeded = (len(playerlib.getPlayerList('#human')) / 2)
           es.msg('#multi', '#default[#lightgreenVoteCash#default] #lightgreen%s #defaulthas voted to increase all players cash to #lightgreen%s#default! [%s/%s]'%(es.getplayername(user), vc_cash, len(vc_voted), VotesNeeded))
           if len(vc_voted) >= VotesNeeded:
               del vc_voted[:]
               es.msg('#multi', '#default[#lightgreenVoteCash#default] The vote to increase all players cash to %s has passed, enjoy your cash.'%(vc_cash))
               for player in playerlib.getUseridList('#human'):
                   playerlib.getPlayer(player).cash = vc_cash
       elif user in vc_voted:
           es.tell(user, '#multi', '#default[#lightgreenVoteCash#default] You have already voted to increase all players cash to #lightgreen%s'% vc_cash)

Thanks to f4ithl3ss for helping me test :D


Edited by Splizes
changed the ammount of votes back to what it should be from testing
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Prius requests I restrict the maps this was able to use, so here it is although this is untested, it should work.

import es, playerlib

vc_cash = 16000
vc_voted = []
vc_maps_allowed = ["mg_breakship_b12", "mg_re_fy_big_city_v10", "tron_jbeta6"]

info = es.AddonInfo()
info['name'] = "Vote Cash"
info['basename'] = "votecash"
info['version'] = "0.1"
info['author'] = "Splizes"
info['url'] = "http://www.hellsgamers.com/"
info['description'] = "Gives a pre-defined amount of cash when players vote on it."

es.ServerVar(info['basename'], info['version'], info['description']).makepublic()

def player_say(ev):
   global vc_cash, vc_voted, vc_maps_allowed
   if ev['text'] == "votecash" or ev['text']  == "!votecash":
       user = int(ev['userid'])
       if es.server_var["eventscripts_currentmap"] in vc_maps_allowed:
           if user not in vc_voted:
               VotesNeeded = (len(playerlib.getPlayerList('#human')) / 2)
               es.msg('#multi', '#default[#lightgreenVoteCash#default] #lightgreen%s #defaulthas voted to increase all players cash to #lightgreen%s#default! [%s/%s]'%(es.getplayername(user), vc_cash, len(vc_voted), VotesNeeded))
               if len(vc_voted) >= VotesNeeded:
                   del vc_voted[:]
                   es.msg('#multi', '#default[#lightgreenVoteCash#default] The vote to increase all players cash to %s has passed, enjoy your cash.'%(vc_cash))
                   for player in playerlib.getUseridList('#human'):
                       playerlib.getPlayer(player).cash = vc_cash
           elif user in vc_voted:
               es.tell(user, '#multi', '#default[#lightgreenVoteCash#default] You have already voted to increase all players cash to #lightgreen%s'% vc_cash)

Edited by Splizes
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Here's the code I wrote for our NTF Office a while ago...you can build off it =P



#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>

#pragma semicolon 1
new Handle:g_hInterval;
new Handle:g_hTimer;

public Plugin:myinfo = 
name = "Cr(+)sshair's [HG $]",
author = "Cr(+)sshair",
description = "Type !$ or !money to receive cash!",
url = "http://www.hellsgamers.com/"

new g_iAccount = -1;

public OnMapStart() {

g_hTimer          = CreateTimer(GetConVarInt(g_hInterval) * 1.0, Timer_Show, _, TIMER_REPEAT|TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);

public OnPluginStart()
g_iAccount = FindSendPropOffs("CCSPlayer", "m_iAccount");

g_hInterval       = CreateConVar("hg_timer", "65",                 "");

RegConsoleCmd( "say", Command_money );
RegConsoleCmd( "say_team", Command_money );


public Action:Timer_Show(Handle:timer) 
PrintToChatAll( "\x04[HG $] Type !$ or !money to fill your wallet!" );

public Action:Command_money(client, args)
decl String:Said[ 128 ];

GetCmdArgString( Said, sizeof( Said ) - 1 );
StripQuotes( Said );
TrimString( Said );

if( StrEqual( Said, "!$" ) || StrEqual( Said, "!money" ) )

new iAmount;
iAmount = 16000;

	SetMoney(client, iAmount);


return Plugin_Continue;

public SetMoney(client, amount)
if (g_iAccount != -1)
	SetEntData(client, g_iAccount, amount);
	PrintToChat(client, "\x04[HG $] You now have $16000!");

Edited by Cr(+)sshair
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