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I was banned for "NLR" Sleepy☣Nuts


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I was banned for New Life Rule. Have I read the rules now? Yes, I have and I understand them. I was acting immature on the night I got banned and everyone was doing it, But I know it wasn't just me doing it. People do have to take responsibility for their actions and I was not doing so the night it happened. Here's what happened, Someone started picking the lock to Toast 'N' Butter and Sable W. (TGP) [HG] shop. So mostly everyone started crowding around the shop and waiting for it to open. We opened it then got killed. And whoever the guy was picking the lock said to me in a pm "lets go pick it again until we get it open" So I followed him and like 4 other people followed us too. I only remember 1 name "Gondus" He unfortunately he got banned too. But we eventually picked the lock got in killed them and Gondus stole their stuff and killed me and 4 other people I think. The next day I apologized to Sable W. (TGP) [HG] and he forgave me. Then I waited for Toast 'N' Butter to get on and when I was going to apologize to him he said " Give me 20k". I said for what? "Cause you stole all of my stuff and it cost me 20k now I have 0 dollars" I said I didn't steal it I only helped get in. Then he told me if I didn't give him 20k he would get an admin in here to ban me and Gondus. So Gondus told him he's not giving him 20k and he's going to wait until an admin talks to him. And I did the same then an admin came on and banned me and Gondus so that's what happened. I'm sorry if I broke NLR I didn't clearly understand the exceptions of it. I know the rules now and will not break them anymore

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I understand this situation and your steam ID will be best for this. I know this happen last week as i was in there talking to some of the users that breaking the rules. I know there was no proof of anyone breaking the new life rules. But post your Steam id so we can get this handle.

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