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Minigames !scout


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Well today once again I noticed something bad about bobiii and other such maps that need a scout. Our server does not have "!scout", so I wrote one in hopes that it would be implemented on the server.

import es, playerlib, weaponlib, gamethread

info = es.AddonInfo()
info['name'] = "Scout giver"
info['basename'] = "!scout"
info['version'] = "1.0"
info['author'] = "Splizes"
info['url'] = "www.Hellsgamers.com"
info['description'] = "When executed on certain maps, it will give the invoking player a scout."

es.ServerVar(info['basename'], info['version'], info['description']).makepublic()

def load():
   global maps_allowed
   maps_allowed = ["mg_bobiii", "mg_bob"]

def player_say(ev):
   global maps_allowed
   if ev['text'] == "!scout" or ev['text']  == "/scout":
       if es.server_var["eventscripts_currentmap"] in maps_allowed:
           user = int(ev['userid'])
           Player = playerlib.getPlayer(user) 
           if Player.getSecondary():
               secondary = Player.getSecondary()
               secondary = 0
           es.server.cmd('es_xfire %s player_weaponstrip kill' % user)
           es.server.cmd('es_xgive %s player_weaponstrip' % user)
           es.server.cmd('es_xfire %s player_weaponstrip strip' % user)
           if (secondary != 0):
               gamethread.delayed(0.1, es.server.queuecmd, 'es_xgive %s %s' %(user, secondary))
           gamethread.delayed(0.1, es.server.queuecmd, 'es_xgive %s weapon_knife' % user)
           gamethread.delayed(0.1, es.server.queuecmd, 'es_xgive %s weapon_scout' % user)


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#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
new Handle:cvarOn = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:cvarHowMany = INVALID_HANDLE;
new scouts[MAXPLAYERS+1];

public Plugin:myinfo = 
name = "Cr(+)sshair's [!scout]",
author = "Cr(+)sshair",
description = "Type !scout to get one!",
url = "http://www.hellsgamers.com/"

public OnPluginStart(){
RegConsoleCmd("say", Command_Say);
cvarOn    = CreateConVar("sm_scout", "0", "Turn me on baybay!", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
cvarHowMany = CreateConVar("sm_howmany", "5", "How many scouts per map?" , FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 0.0, true, 10.0);

public OnClientPostAdminCheck(client){
if (GetConVarInt(cvarOn)){
	scouts[client] = 0;
public Action:Command_Say(client, args){

new String:text[192];
GetCmdArgString(text, sizeof(text));

new startidx = 0;

if(text[strlen(text)-1] == '"'){
text[strlen(text)-1] = '\0';
startidx = 1;

if (IsPlayerAlive(client)){
	if (StrEqual(text[startidx], "!scout"))
return Plugin_Continue;

public Action:Scout(client){
if (scouts[client] < GetConVarInt(cvarHowMany)){
	GivePlayerItem(client, "weapon_scout");
	scouts[client] ++;
	PrintToChat(client,"Bob gives you a scout!");
	PrintToChat(client,"Bob doesn't like scouts anymore. =(");


Then put sm_scout "1" in the different map.cfg's you want it loaded on. Also limits how many scouts can be received per map!



Edited by Cr(+)sshair
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