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global bans


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No seriously, Every ban I make it doesn't show up on Global Ban listings.


I just banned a guy today as well. Did not show up on ban listing at all yet. Slaz had to then go in and manually make sure he was banned.



Perma banned this guy never showed up on list^^.


Did you guys figure it out yet or what?

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It's a glitch for admins. It seems to come and go. It was happening to Hippie and Desk, now both of them have their bans showing up again...Fracture's bans stopped showing up a couple weeks ago randomly. It's weird. But it is being looked into.


The bans are legitimate and will function as bans even though they don't show up.

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What are you talking about?


....Urban Dictionary:

A variation of the word Script Kidddy.


Somone who 'hacks' using scripts/programs that other

people have written to aid them, having no knowladge

of computer systems whatsoever.

Skiddy: I am going to hack your website.

Admin: WTF man? How? Why?

Skiddy: Because your are a fag.

Skiddy *uses a program to DoS the web admins site.

That someone else wrote.*

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....Urban Dictionary:



You should look at it again. I already know what a script kiddie is, but you were using it where it doesn't belong.


You seem to be making this mistake a lot lately, might want to slow down and read/understand stuff before responding.

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