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Mw2 / bad company 2?


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Im getting an xbox 360 elite any day now and the first game is either Call of duty Mordern warfare 2 OR Battlefield bad company 2. I think that MW2 is gonna be old very soon and not alot of ppl are gonna play on it, so therefor i want BP2. Please post a reply telling me what you think.. Whats better on MW2 / Bp2 wich one you think is better etc.


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A lot of people play MW2.


People who use the experience cheat, the autoaim cheat, the wallhack cheat, the un-experience cheat, and don't forget the running glitch.



I figure once BC2 is released, the only people left in MW2 at all will be cheating and griefing fa****s.

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At first I thought MW2, the PS3 version of BC2 sucks. But, after seeing some of the final release version and getting better at the demo, I'd say BC2




MW2 is still for fags. And it isn't the best fps ever (that is of course, the original Half-Life). I just said I thought it was better than BC2. Of course, there is always Call of Company: Bad Warfare 2 -

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I want it for PC but my disk reader is broken and its a laptop so you cant fix it :S so xbox (250€) or a new desktop (800+ for gaming) so im gonna go for the xbox :S


i fix shit like that for a living, real cheap to bc2 is so much better, like lamp said the only people left playing it will be cheaters and greefers

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