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High Quality recording over demos bug


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master is a nub, waht you need to do


click the text field, then press enter


y "default key to talk" bring it up too. How about you get the problem then fix it that a way. This happen when every i fixed my graphic problem. I know you saw the SS JJ which is now fixed by it self so, lawl?

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that "high quality config" just increases your CSS resolution, then records the demo. which is completely useless because if i'm not mistaken demos don't save any graphical data; just coordinates and such, so if somebody watches the demo on a crappy 640x480 screen, to them it will play back in 640x480.


That scroll bar appears many times when you change CSS resolution. To prevent it, you must change your resolution manually, then exit CSS and get back in.


I would like to see that "high quality config" just to be sure, but if i am right, it only lets YOU record and playback your demos on a higher resolution so you have a better chance to spot hackers. A pretty stupid idea if you ask me, because if someone's computer could support a higher resolution without lagging out, don't you think that they would naturally be already using that higher resolution?

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I'm talking about the game config. Making the game quality as high as it can go. Nothing that has to do with recording.




Everything you see in demos does have to do with your settings in game. But I'm recording over the demo with source recorder so people are able to see it. Right now I am uploading a video on to youtube that was shot in 240 fps.


EDIT: gzNcp0bAEkY Go to the youtube page if you want to see it in HD. It's nothing much to watch but it it awesome cause it's 240 fps :D


they were right how source recorder pwns fraps. By over 800 fps :D Although if you want to shoot in 1000 fps you gotta wait a very very very very very very very very very very very very very very long time.

Edited by BlackEyes
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