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[HG] MOO abuse report


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1. Abuser name: [HG] MOO


2. Their Steam Id: No idea, but he should remember the incident if it was him (unless it was an admin imposter)


3. What sever: CS:S Prison Break


4. About what time: 8:30AM PST


5. PROOF: Attached in the form of 5 jpeg screens of the console


6. Please tell us your side of the story. It helps us understand what happened during this time.


Here's what started it... I told MOO to fuck off because he was up my ass during my lr. He claims to have a demo of this (I would like to see it MOO, if you would), so that should be the end of that. He muted me to which I claimed admin abuse. Ill just type out the dialogue since this isn't really story time, and to save the reader some time with looking at the attachments (apologies if I missed anything on the screenshots)...


[HG] MOO : !mute yat

[sM] [HG] MOO: Muted YatYas1833.

YatYas1833 : lame admin abuse

(MOO says it isnt)

YatYas1833 : yes it is lol

YatYas1833 : its my custom LR

YatYas1833 : recording demo for forums

(MOO said he was running a demo too)

YatYas1833 : you didnt show your self as an admin either so how exactly is this my fault?

Disconnect : Kicked by administrator

[HG] MOO : Yat if you want to keep being disrespectful, next is a ban.

YatYas1833 : i didnt do anything moo kinda hard to be disrespectful

YatYas1833 : then again do you get a hard on for mutes?

[HG] MOO : You tell me to fuck off then tell me that i show of my admin?

[HG] MOO : k

YatYas1833 : lol

[HG] MOO : Telling me to fuck off

[HG] MOO : thats disrespectful

YatYas1833 : that was my custom LR you were following me

YatYas1833 : you chose to follow it too

YatYas1833 : and for that, thanks it was a great lr

YatYas1833 : i want my custom lr again

(ALL) [HG] MOO : "i want my custom lr again" Do be a smartass either

YatYas1833 : moo please stop abusing admin

[HG] MOO : You know what disrespecting me and being a smartass. And you still think I'm abusing?

[HG] MOO : You dont deserve to be in here

[HG] MOO : goodbye.

[HG] MOO : !ban yat 30

Disconnect: You have been banned by this server, check HeLLsGamers.com for more info.


So to just to run things down from my side, I told someone to fuck off (as in get away from me in game), I was muted for disrespecting an admin (without warning I believe); called him out on the abuse, kicked; pushed his buttons for kicking me, and banned for 30 minutes (I believe thats what the 30 means on the command thing).


Not a big deal as one could argue he was merely over-doing his job or something, so he doesnt deserve any sort of consequence except for a naughty naughty naughty. But with matters as passive as this it's important to start a record on abusive admins. If other players have small complaints as well they can see there is already a post on that particular person and they can add to the list.


*EDIT* Just incase someone was wondering about my demo: I figured it wasn't neccissary to post it as it doesnt have any dialouge on it except for text, found in the attached pictures.






Edited by Artillery
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pushed his buttons for kicking me, and banned for 30 minutes (I believe thats what the 30 means on the command thing).


Not a big deal as one could argue he was merely over-doing his job or something, so he doesnt deserve any sort of consequence except for a naughty naughty naughty.


so your upset you got banned for pushing an admins buttons and getting banned? and the kick was your warning. but you know i can always upgrade your ban for being a smart ass. oh and





Admin decisions are respected, unless its totally ridiculous or obviously abusive, and you have PROOF.


edit* and please upload your "proof" to zhost.hellsgamers.com the attached screenshots are too small to really read anything

Edited by Weeman
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I dont know what zhost.hellsgamers.com is, but I blew up the pictures through the forums and it was very legible (I'm running @ 1600x1200).


I think it would be a waste of time NOT to post something like this. Small little things like this stack up and over time and its important to log those little things to ensure its recorded, as in an admin overreacting to a player.

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I dont know what zhost.hellsgamers.com is, but I blew up the pictures through the forums and it was very legible (I'm running @ 1600x1200).


I think it would be a waste of time NOT to post something like this. Small little things like this stack up and over time and its important to log those little things to ensure its recorded, as in an admin overreacting to a player.


the thing is, its not. its you being a douchebag and a smart ass to an admin and the results of thus actions. and we dont care about your logs, those you keep on your computer for when you make an abuse thread for its actual purpose, TO REMOVE AN ADMIN! not to tell us someone was being "naughty" in your opinion. we have our forum rules for a reason so we dont get threads for every action an admin does that you don't like. and like i have stated it seems to me that you were intentionally being a dick, i know my number #1 button is when people yell ABUSE when they have no idea whats going on. you were muted for telling him to fuck off, your proper response should have been why was i muted? not "lame admin abuse". to which moo would have told you why, and then you should have said sorry thats not how i meant it.

Edited by Weeman
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You know technically I'm not supposed to be posting here but.... I couldn't help it.


Did you seriously just type all that out? What a waste of time huh? I'm sure I feel exactly the same as Weeman seeing as how all any of that shows is you being a little shithead.


I just can't believe you were willing to show anyone that and try and claim abuse. That's pretty funny. You must be joking right? hahaha.... no?


"You didn't show yourself as an admin." :we:

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Moo actually asked me if he could take these measures. He PM'ed me on steam saying YatYas was disrespecting him over and over within a 10 minute time frame. I told Moo, go ahead, kick him and if he continues, ban him to teach him a lesson. I believe there's more to the story than what YatYas has put forward as YatYas was probably talking crap out his ass to Moo.

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